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Mnemosense t1_j6f0lkq wrote

Mr Robot is one of the few mystery shows that answers every single mystery and satisfyingly so. Watch it.


two5five1 t1_j6fercg wrote

Tyrell Wellick has entered the chat


I_need_time_to_think t1_j6htog6 wrote

I loved Mr Robot (and agree that it answered most of the questions perfectly) but I still don't understand the whole point of his character was to be honest. It felt like the writers had no idea what to do with him from the get go.


[deleted] t1_j6g2u55 wrote



Flat896 t1_j6g8b65 wrote

I know the show is pretty old now but I would consider deleting this comment. A "should I watch ____" thread isn't exactly one that people go into expecting spoilers.


thefilmer t1_j6f2yiw wrote

agreed. Sam Esmail planned the whole thing out meticulously from the start


immaownyou t1_j6faws6 wrote

It's crazy how much stuff in the first season directly spells out what's actually going on but you just brush it off on the first watch


duckwantbread t1_j6hx1mo wrote

Most of it anyway, Angela >!was killed off because her actress wanted out of the show, this has been confirmed both by her actress and Sam Esmail. Whilst a reason has never been formally given (some rumours claimed she had a messy breakup with Rami Malek but that could be rubbish) it's notable that she hasn't acted in anything since, so she possibly was just fed up with acting in general.!<


Aldryc t1_j6iu2hf wrote

I really don't know how people were satisfied with how White Rose and The Dark Army plot resolved. After spending so much time on White Rose outmaneuvering every other major player in the show, it was insanely disappointing to have her arc and the mysteries surrounding her plan to be answered with essentially that she's just crazy.

Elliot's personal trauma and how his mental health felt like it had been planned from the start, and was a very satisfying wrap up. E-Corp, White Rose and a lot of the mysteries felt like they never had a plan behind them.


ForgivenessIsNice t1_j6fedlk wrote

>level 1Mnemosense · 1 hr. agoMr Robot is one of the few mystery shows that answers every single mystery

I don't think it's necessarily a good thing for all questions to be answered. It's best that some questions be left unanswered. See The Leftovers.


ERSTF t1_j6l0tca wrote

I was disappointed by The Leftovers. Some questions do need answers like how did Kevin get powers and what did it mean? With a show that finishes with a big question mark about the sudden departure, why bother introducing an extra layer of supernatural things and not explaining that. I am ok with no explanation about the sudden departure but to me not explaining supernatural Kevin felt like a cop out. Like Lindelof hadn't decided whether or not he wanted to give an answer about the sudden departure and gave Kevin superpowers, then decided for an open ended mystery, but it leaves Kevin's arc twisting in the wind. It's a good show that is frustrating because of its shortcommings