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illuvattarr t1_j6kcbjt wrote

While Station Eleven is very good, it was quite a bit slower paced and pretty much only focused on the people in stead of the situation of the world at large.

I would recommend the movie The Girl With All The Gifts


Archamasse t1_j6kdc0k wrote

People are raving about TLOU's ep 3 in particular, which dabbles in the stuff S11 used for bread & butter.


AintNothinbutaGFring t1_j6lbrj1 wrote

I didn't like S11 as much as TLoU (so far). I feel like it could have been as good if they hadn't put so much of a focus on >!the post-pandemic appeal of theatre, and the prophet's inane storyline !<It seemed like they were pandering to "I am very smart" critic types over regular people who just want a story to make sense and be relatable without layers of symbolism and references that only people who really like theatre would care about it modern times.

I get that Shakespeare has universal appeal, I just don't think >!everyone would care that much about acting and deconstructing Shakespeare in a post-pandemic resource-scarce society.!<

Which isn't to say there wasn't beauty in that, just that it made it less believable and realistic