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t1_j5v0ny1 wrote

There is a lot that could go wrong if she did your idea too.

Staying with the person you had been with for days doesn't seem like a bad decision to me especially considering the situation she was in. It doesn't seem like she was in actual danger asuch as he was just being used to keep her away. She was afraid for her boss, not for herself as much.


OP t1_j5v17ya wrote

The guy literally stole her phone and called her a job and she found out was fucking his uncle.

You’d rather take your chances with him, than with local authorities or local help?

I wouldn’t.

She had also seen all their faces and knew who they were, she was a liability at that point.


t1_j5v1pcy wrote

And she's supposed to just run away from him to the police, where she doesn't know the location of or have any means of finding them?

Or stick with the person you've been with for a few days, sleeping with, that doesn't seem to putting you in any danger even if they are not trustworthy?