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Kaiser_Allen t1_j6g94z9 wrote

Getting canceled doesn’t mean it’s forever. Five years is a long-ass time to not be able to work. If that’s not punishment, I don’t know what is. A lot of you seem to think cancellation is a one-and-done. It’s not, as long as you’re living. Anyone can change.


redavid t1_j6g9ouk wrote

has she changed?

and she was/is making plenty of money from that show still, and i doubt she'd have had any trouble finding work earlier if she wanted it


bhind45 t1_j6gltkz wrote

>has she changed?

Doubt it, she was one of the people (along with Scott Baio) saying the election was rigged and Joe Biden was going to be arrested.


Lidjungle t1_j6nlnsv wrote

Person who gets paid millions just to talk says something that makes people not hear what she wants to say. "Cancelled" This discussion comes up as we discuss her new comedy special being advertised during the NFL championship game. Because cancel culture isn't just one and done.

I mean, I guess I got cancelled at birth! I'm still waiting for someone to give me 26 Million to do a Netflix special where I insult trans people. I mean, 50 years is a long-ass time to not have a Netflix special. How dare they deprive me of my livelihood like this!!!! Just the woke mob run amok I tells ya.