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GhostRiders t1_j6his43 wrote

Really simple, if you don't like somebody then don't watch them...

I'm not a fan of Roseanne so I don't watch her.. It's that simple.

Just because you don't like someone doesn't mean YOU have the right to demand that they never appear on TV again.. Ever..


amendmentforone t1_j6ib0at wrote

Not sure you understand "rights".

In the United States, one can say whatever the fuck they want. And can "demand" that Roseanne's gross ass doesn't show up on TV again. Doesn't mean she won't and that folks saying so will prevent it.

Granted, since her comedy special is only airing on Fox Nation's streaming service it seems the people are being heard.


HPmoni t1_j6jlyl1 wrote

In the 90s, having a gay character on your show could get you canceled.

Now using the F word can get your show cancelled.


bookant t1_j6ik92m wrote

Really simple, if you don't like the posts or comments about Roseanne then don't read them . . .

Just because you don't people criticizing a public figure doesn't mean YOU have the right to demand that they ever do it again . . . ever . . .