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t1_j63luxv wrote

> It's been rumoured that, with a big new budget and the backing of Disney Plus, Doctor Who could turn into a Marvel or Star Wars-style universe, with spin-offs based on iconic monsters like the Daleks and Cybermen.

God damn it, Disney. Learn to control yourselves.


t1_j63n12h wrote

TBF, RTD wanted to do the whole big spin-off universe before Disney made it cool.

He would have done this with anybody's money. Anybody's.


t1_j63pmpw wrote

Yeah, I mean Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures were a thing on his first run though. He was doing a shared universe 15 years ago. This news shouldn't surprise anyone who followed his original run.


t1_j642q5z wrote

Not to mention all the unofficial spin-offs that have existed alongside the Doctor Who universe for years before that even.


t1_j659044 wrote

They’ve tried it like 3 times. I remember they had that spin-off Class that was kinda like a darker Buffy set in the Doctor Who universe.


t1_j66j7oz wrote

And Terry Nation always wanted to make a spinoff show about the Daleks


t1_j63vx83 wrote

I've never been a big Doctor Who person but I've always liked the Daleks, there's something fun and quaint about a race of alien assholes who just want to kill everybody who's not them. No shades of grey, no sympathetic qualities but just the right amount of cheese and camp. I'd check out a show with them as the focus.


t1_j63ze2r wrote

Only if it's a buddy cop show where two daleks solve crimes and exterminate


t1_j641jj3 wrote

Odd couple, please. A Dalek and a Cyberman.


t1_j663tp5 wrote

For emotionless killing machines, their snark is amazing.

Cybermen: Daleks be warned, you have declared war upon the Cybermen.

Daleks: This is not war, this is pest control!

Cybermen: We have five million cybermen. How many are you?

Daleks: Four.

Cybermen: You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?

Daleks: We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek! You are superior in only one respect!

Cybermen: What is that?

Daleks: You are better at dying!


t1_j642wbm wrote

If the 13th Doctor's era gave us anything, it's a Dalek and a Cyberman having a brief moment of empathy by exchanging a "What. The. Shit." glance when the Master was dancing to Ra Ra Rasputin.


t1_j642inf wrote

I can just picture them now screaming, "INVESTIGATE! INVESTIGATE!"


t1_j64kn91 wrote

I mean, this rumor seems based on nothing more than "could happen, Disney likes universes"

Also doubt Disney would put that much investment into something they don't own


t1_j65p7u1 wrote

I'd really like to see a "smart" show showing the rise of the dalek empire and showing how their hierarchy functions...I feel like it's always done fast and haphazardly in the main series.


t1_j65qpbc wrote

Year or two ago it was said they are planning DW cinematic universe so.. and RTD dis already try something akin to that with his original run.