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FlowingMonsoon OP t1_jacsqwo wrote

Honestly I'm not sure if it's more traditional or religious. I think it's based on the religious idea that premarital sex is not allowed. So if I have sex with someone I'd have to marry them. So if I choose to sexually engage with someone in any way I should marry them.

I'm not sure if it was an extreme reaction to scare me off either. I stood my ground enough she dropped it. But it felt pretty real and genuine.


JosKarith t1_jadmntn wrote

I don't know your family background but I wonder if this is your mum blowing this up to 1000% to scare you so you don't send anyone nudes.


ArtofWASD t1_jact3nz wrote

What a strange world we live in... well. Good luck. Keep up your body positivity and what not. Be safe.