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AtGamesEnd t1_j9hr1ag wrote

You wouldn’t be annoyed if something you cared about was just gone because of carelessness? Of course you get over it but humans have a right to be upset. This seriously makes me think you’ve never had an actual relationship with someone


yll0m0t t1_j9ipt26 wrote

Its just a game lol. Add to that the girl has got something up with her, the boyfriend needs to be more understanding.

I've been together with my wife for 14 years actually.


AtGamesEnd t1_j9iwzld wrote

Of course it’s going to cool down, but being mad upon first revelation is a normal human reaction. It detailed that the boyfriend was in the middle of something else stressful, and the response kind of pushed him over the edge. It also went on to sound like the guy has cooled off literally the next morning and is just trying to put it behind them, but OP wants to do something to try to make it up to him. I totally understand not wanting to start over in a game you have 140+ hours in, that’s normal. It sounds like he forgave her and she simply just still feels guilty and wants to do something that would make it up to him

Congrats on you and your wife being together for so long btw. No ill will on my end, just a different interpretation of the situation and what is a normal response to this specifically