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Rickk020 t1_ja2c68a wrote

Emotionally cheating? So thinking about someone else is cheating? Everybody does that


Orphylia t1_ja2cw2w wrote

I mean.

The only thing worth mentioning about the first girl was that she was hot, apparently. OP literally made a point of pointing out that this other girl is not as hot as the first girl without a single other mention of issues with the first girl or their relationship, but their attractiveness is apparently the one thing worth noting about either of them in OP's eyes, so Idk what else to assume other than it being some kind of emotional attachment to the other girl that drove him to break up with the first. Like I said, emotional cheating may very well not be the exact term, but in the moment I couldn't think of something that conveyed the issue better.


linerva t1_ja2eaf4 wrote

He didn't just think about someone else. He indulged a crush on firm 2 to the point where he decided he had to date her. He was obsessed with her to the point he dumped girl 1 to explore and date girl 2. And clearly it was a stupid decision and they were incompatible since they broke up a week later.

That is not appropriate behaviour in a relationship.


Browneyedgirl63 t1_ja2vwmf wrote

And he broke up with her ON Valentine’s Day for something that lasted a week. She’s not gonna forget that.


ShadowStriker53 t1_ja3euqe wrote

If you do that just break up, I did too and felt bad about it so I broke up in the nicest way possible