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speculatrix t1_ja7hb7c wrote

It's sad that a man of men by themselves who do more than glance at a child are automatically assumed to be paedophiles or kidnappers. Statistically, children are safer more than ever, because children are more likely to be listened to, and, paedos are more likely to be arrested and dealt with rather than moved on.

I think this can put women and children at greater risk.. for example during the height of the metoo movement, I would be careful not to travel in a lift/elevator alone with a woman I didn't know fairly well, to prevent her having any anxiety, or me being accused of anything. If I was leaving the office, I'd hang back if needed to avoid that situation. That meant the woman wouldn't have someone around who might deter a random outside stranger from attacking her, when she left the office to walk through the car park.