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weedtrek t1_j96j79t wrote

You announced that you were a rapist and got mad people treated you like a rapist. There I explained it to you.

Another word of advise, that alpha male stuff is all bull shit. The actual alpha male was the guy who kicked your ass.


Hot-Tone-7495 t1_j972nw1 wrote

Unless said person is a predator. We aren’t thinking about lions when you describe a human as predator, we’re thinking rapist or murderer.


Difficult_Let_1953 t1_j96ftob wrote

Simple word of advice. Never use the word predator when speaking about a human. Any human. Universal rule.


swing_axle t1_j96x1tp wrote

Why tf do bouncers and my friends treat me like a threat?

My dude, you literally announced yourself as a threat.


cam_huskers t1_j96nxvu wrote

Seems like your god complex is out of control too


slimehype t1_j97a3ry wrote

You’re not neuro divergent you’re a fucking edgelord with 0 social skills. Talk to a therapist.


bobbymatthews84 t1_j96fqf2 wrote

I don't think all people make exceptions for annoyance just because of a diagnosis. The open world does not know your struggles like maybe family and friends, and sounds like it was even too much for the friends to deal with.


Kat1eQueen t1_j97aetp wrote

Predators in human terms are rapists. You walked into a club, shouted "Hey I'm a rapist!", got rightfully thrown out, came back and said "it's unfair to not let the rapist in", got your ass handed to you and lost at least one friend. They saw you as a threat because you loudly announced that you are one and you weren't singled out, you were being held responsible for your own actions.

Also alpha males aren't a thing. The person who came up with it in the first place debunked it himself.

Edit: calling neurotypical people "normies" is just the icing on the cringe cake.


H0rsesandWh0 t1_j96ygn6 wrote

Also my guy it’s extremely easy to enter clubs in the U.K. and you don’t need a girl with you. I’ve literally never seen that in any clubs


tricolorhound t1_j971f7k wrote

Its probably more difficult for people who think you need to be a badass to get in and a good way to be a badass is announcing yourself as a predator.


H0rsesandWh0 t1_j9762dc wrote

Lol this is exactly what I was thinking! It’s definitely not just because he’s a guy lol


The_trashman044 t1_j9758ec wrote

You need to speak about this to a professional so you can learn how to aviod this in the future. Also quit acting like a victim.. your actions lead you to what happened. It isn't your friends faults, it isn't the bouncers fault. It's your fault


Building_Burning t1_j96y2ed wrote

You are calling yourself a "predator" to people (multiple times) and then wonder why they treat you like a threat? The connotation of "predator" is to be a threat. I would recommend not calling yourself that if you don't want that reaction. Also, you don't need to act like an alpha male to be badass.


AtGamesEnd t1_j97i8s3 wrote

I genuinely don’t believe that this is real


CorinthiaAtticora t1_j97k0yv wrote

What the fuck. There are so many things wrong with this, and how you expect others to treat you.

First, "predator" is a term for rapists and pedophiles. You announced yourself as this MULTIPLE TIMES and got confused when people took you seriously? The bouncer only had face-value to go by, so of course he was aggressive to you.

Second, you were already let into the club, and only then executed your shitty plan? Why?? You already got what you wanted!

Third, you are owed NOTHING for existing. No one has to like you, just as you don't have to like anyone. The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you can begin to function among others. You currently act as if your behavior should be excused, for some reason. Why? Because you're autistic? The bouncer didn't know that, and had no way to know that. Even if you told him, he could think you're some asshole using it as a convenient excuse, or he could deem you too inept to not cause problems in the club, so he'd kick you out anyway. All of your actions have consequences.

Finally, you're using your neurodivergence as a crutch. I highly doubt that you have "crippling autsim" - I was offended the second I read that. Crippling means that you cannot function at all, and clearly if you were able to make and lose friends, or go to clubs, I doubt that's the case. If you want others to take you seriously, pick your words carefully and accurately, or else you'll be written off as exaggerating.
Yes, you have a disability, and it greatly impacts your life, especially in comparison to neurotypical people. But pointing out what a lost cause you are, despite living around other autistic people who you've no doubt seen struggle to survive in modern day culture? That's so shitty. You clearly have no want to even try. You insist there's no way anyone would understand, and you're probably right - the people most likely to understand you, your autistic (former) friends, have worked to find a way to live alongside neurotypicals while you've decided there's no point, and everyone else has to find a way to live with you.
Guess what? Expecting people to like you when you bring nothing to the table - and even create problems for them, such as what you did here - will only end with them pushing you away.
You have to adapt to have the common sense that's expected of everyone. I was only diagnosed autistic at 16, and I'm 27 now. It took me at least a decade of constant masking, watching and learning to adapt, and I still am working on it to this day, and will continue to for the rest of my life. This world was not created with neurodivergence in mind, so we have to try to fit in it. It sucks, but we live in a time with the most autism awareness and acceptance that has ever existed. There are so many tools that you have access to that it seems you have rarely or never touched in the 24 years you've been alive.


linef4ult t1_j97czes wrote

>by saying that I'm not a troll.

Believe you we do not.


Head-Investment-8462 t1_j97arp0 wrote

Do not describe yourself as a threat or dangerous if you do not want to be treated as such.

Before you call yourself something like a predator, stop and think “what does a human predator look like?” Because when I think of a person as a predator I think of a rapist or murderer, someone who will hurt me.

People do not like it when men try to act like alpha males. Be polite, not aggressive and assertive.


OurMasterAM t1_j99reg7 wrote

I can't imagine this is real, especially considering 8 months ago you posted about accidentally calling yourself a registered sex offender. There's no way you fuck up by calling yourself sexually violent... twice.


TheLurkingMenace t1_j9brogt wrote

If it's real, he should be in the hospital and the bouncers in jail.


Starkiller_303 t1_j97jiba wrote

The doctors who didn't know what to do with you were right. You need therapy. Bad.


Citizen-Kang t1_j97wzr2 wrote

I imagine the club, and probably the bouncer personally, could (and would) be sued if an incident occurred between you and another patron of the club after everyone heard you very vocally declare that you were a predator with REALLY disturbing tendencies. It would have been irresponsible for them to not prevent you from entering after something like that.


Blinky_Kitty_61 t1_j99gzyf wrote

Your autism has nothing to do with any of this, it's your behaviour that had you thrown out and losing a friend. So sick of almost everyone blaming autism - real or imagined - for their screw ups.


ThaumKitten t1_j9ai1bl wrote

I'm autistic.
Even if I actually go out places (limited due to physical disability) even /I/ would have the damn common sense not to call myself something like that.
I'm terrible with social queues but even I have common sense in at least a generous modicum.

You do not announce yourself as a threat or rapist like that, especially not in front of a bouncer. I'm sorry but how can you stand there and cry 'mUh aUtIsMs' as a cop-out for this? That's not how any of this works. At all.

You don't get to use your mental disability as a get out of jail free card.


ericwright1960 t1_j9arflq wrote

This guys profile is other stories exactly like this. What a cursed existence this individual leads.


stiffneck84 t1_j98dogx wrote

No, no, no…Therapist…I said therapist is here!!


DolemiteGK t1_j9cnxpt wrote

> He broke my jaw and my cheek and they got covered in blood. Then my so-called friend told me to piss off and never contact him again. He blocked my number and on Insta as well.

Uh huh.


DemonicSphynx t1_j9obpsv wrote

You sound like someone who is pretending to have autism to get likes online while is just one of the dumbest trends in the first place bc being autistic isn’t cool… but nonetheless continue to literally pretend to not understand the irony of the situation (even though it just wasn’t what u thought it was going to be)


DemonicSphynx t1_j9obtlj wrote

Stop pretending u don’t understand u literally have the single most boring life.


sambull t1_j98ykok wrote

anyone trying to look like a alpha male is probably a fucking predator.. hope this is some sort of stupid ass story otherwise your extra special like my extra medium shirts