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MANLYTRAP t1_j91nubo wrote

how the heck are you doing a PhD when you're 23? did you go to college when you were 12?


PatientWillow4 OP t1_j91y1ta wrote

I graduated high school at 18, did a 3 year bachelor, 1 year honours year (which is a year of research), and then got into my PhD 6 months after my Honours. It's been very busy but I'm finally content with my career trajectory.


MANLYTRAP t1_j91z04g wrote

I never knew you could skip masters and go directly to PhD from bachelor, good luck and hope you end up in a better place


PatientWillow4 OP t1_j921d7f wrote

It's an alternate pathway in my country. If you do well in honours and your marks are competitive enough for a PhD scholarship, you can skip masters and start a PhD straight away.

Thank you so much for the well wishes! My best wishes for you too!


bananasplz t1_j92z2qo wrote

Pretty typical in Australia, although you need to do the honours year to get to a PhD.


bananasplz t1_j92ze0o wrote

Pretty typical in Australia. Usually 3y undergrad, 1y research honours then you can do a PhD. So most 1st year PhD students are around 22.


Kolbrandr7 t1_j933d0q wrote

I’m 23 and I’ll be starting a PhD later this year

Graduated high school at 17 (late birthday), 4 year bachelors, 2 year masters, and that puts me at 23 at the start of a PhD