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Equivalent-Sink4612 t1_j9vjy7d wrote

Sorry about your snail:(

When I was little, maybe 7 or 8, my mom's bf had a tank with an Oscar fish and an algae eater fish.

Well, one day they decided to get one of those little aquatic frogs for the tank. My sister and I were soooo excited, just instantly in love, he was so incredibly adorable!

A day or two later, Freddy goes missing. Mom and bf say, "Oh well, guess he got eaten." Sis and I are heartbroken.

Day or two after that, there goes Oscar swimming around with two teeny webbed feet hanging out of his mouth. Sis and I are horrified.

They figured he was hanging out in the top of the tank, scared for his life (justifiably so, as it turned out!), but he couldn't stay there forever, poor thing:(


AdamicAtom OP t1_j9vlkf3 wrote

Oh my God. That's horrifying. I feel closer to you through shared trauma my friend.


Equivalent-Sink4612 t1_j9w7613 wrote

Awww thanks friend...yeah we loved that little froggie so much, even though we only had him a day or two...

To go with the theme of this thread:

RIP Freddie, and the OP's poor little snail:,(


Kaliratri t1_j9vybqk wrote

Heh. Had oscars before myself. They honestly look at the world as "Can I eat it, or will it eat me?" If they can get part of it in their mouth they will do their damnedest to swallow the thing.


Equivalent-Sink4612 t1_j9w8xqp wrote

Yup...and I'm pretty sure that AH knew that, or he should've at any rate! I don't know if his drunk ass was thinking, "Let's just see what happens, ha ha!" or if he really was that ignorant and irresponsible, maybe thinking because it was a frog and not a fish that he'd be okay...