Submitted by AngryTimeApple t3_112qiep in tifu

Hello everyone! I know many exciting stories come out of valentines day, so I thought I'd add mine

(Small info for story, we have a barhtub/shower, not both. We have a tiny bathroom, so not much room, we had not been drinking)

My fiance I had planned an amazing at home spa-day complet with facemasks, footrubs, chick Flicks and tub time and more. The first part of our valentines went well! No issues up till the point I was starting to feel, like I wanted to bring our excitement to the bedroom.

We were about to cook dinner when I went to the bathroom and put on this lace body suit to surprise my fiance, thinking we could have some fun before dinner ;) i came out covered but still exposed and we started making out, things got hot and heavy for a while when I suggested we could finish up our fun in the shower. I wanted to give him a blow job, and make it something of a special treat for him. While we both stood in the bathtub, him with the water turned on, I had the bright idea to blind foald myself, so if he wanted he could finish over my face and I didn't have to worry about my eyes.

I tell him I have an idea and to wait, well. That was my mistake , if I had just closed my eyes, I wouldn't have a cast on my leg.

I stepped out the bath, and almost imidiatly slipped and kicked my foot HARD in to the door frame. I had never broken something before but with the loud crunch and the pain, I knew something was wrong My boyfriend peeked out from behind the shower curtain to see his future wife staring at her foot clutching her leg, bent over on the toilet and telling him "I fucking broke it"

My vision went splodgy and my ears started ringing, I started to sweat , and felt like I was gonna throw up while telling him to please call the hospital as I didn't think I could walk on it.

I realise I am still im my sexy lace thing and command him to fetch me a skirt and a t shirt, while he tells me they can't send anyone. I ask him to get a few nessecery things, and to grab some cash from our savings.

We call for a a taxi while I get the skirt on, still sitting. He carries me down the stairs to the elevator in our apartment building, and out to the taxi, and the first thing the driver asks is "is it broken?"

While my fiance and home chat I noticed I could really move my toes, I also started to think about my toe nails, as my fiancé's name was painted across the big toe. (His name is very short, 4 letters) The text guy drives us to the hospital, gets paid and drives off (don't worry he will return)

We get in and give them my info, and I get driven for an xray, while waiting me and my fiance joked about me always saying I have never broken anything and how he always knocks on wood when I say that and how if it's broken its karma

I get xrayed and low and behold, my big toe is broken across the outer most bone. Right across the middle of the bone is a nice crack. The doctor tells us I need an injection as the arear is prown to blod clot issues, so now I need an injection everyday at 2 am.

I get a cast, (no crutches, but an under foot support) we finish up and call a taxi get us home

And guess who came to pick us up. Same guy asks "so it's broken?"

After we get home we look af the door frame, witch I have apparently cracked

I now have a cast for the next 6-8 weeks, and am going for a check up in 1 week.

Happy valentines day to all and I hope it went better than mine, and stay safe around water and slippery surfaces.

TL;DR I wanted to give my fiance a blow job in the shower, got out to fetch a blindfold, slipped and broke my big toe. 🥳 TL;DR



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lizziegal79 t1_j8lt1z5 wrote

Yours is sexier than my injury. I was carrying shit down the stairs. I miscounted, and my right foot hit the edge of the bottom step, before all 236lbs collapsed, and somehow slid sideways and smacked the back of my head against the wall. It’s been two months and it still hurts first in the morning and when I’ve walked too much. Coworkers were saying “did you go to the doc?” Like I can afford that! I’m on a pay as you go, I ain’t going but for meds!


AngryTimeApple OP t1_j8ltob3 wrote

While i don't feel very sexy with a cast on my leg, I'm lucky I didn't smash my back or skull, with the laundry I would have had a cushion.

I I live in a place I don't have to pay an insane amount for medical care. For rn it's 94 euro, and we haven't checked if my insurance will cover any, but hopefully they will.

Through, really when you can get your head checked, it's one thing to break a toe, and a completely other if you have a fracture in your skull or something. Good luck!


lizziegal79 t1_j8luu1k wrote

Oh, dude, I hurt like fudge, but I felt up my ankle and nothing felt out of line, so I just finished throwing out the trash and took the stairs one at a time. I got yelled at a lot, but the hell was I supposed to do? Materialize a support person?


AngryTimeApple OP t1_j8lv1it wrote

From thin air, like magic. Honestly my fiance is magic, carried me like i weigh nothing :3


lizziegal79 t1_j8lw5b0 wrote

I wish. I’ve had to hobble up and down stairs for two months and it’s still not healed, but if I say anything they’re going to say go to the doc.


AngryTimeApple OP t1_j8lwin0 wrote

If you have been hobbling it might be for the best, if you have done damage, you could be making it worse and more expensive to fix in the future


lizziegal79 t1_j8m4t0b wrote

Shhhshhhshhshh! My insurance jacked up everything so now I’m pay as I go with a prepay plan. I put in 120. They put in 45, and my meds are 150. I no longer have a doc, but hopefully the don’t cost more than $90!


Redbeard4006 t1_j8lu9uu wrote

What does "chicken flicks" mean?


AngryTimeApple OP t1_j8luewy wrote

That is my bad, apparently auto correct thought it would be funny. I ment to write chick Flicks, movies like legally blond, clueless, easy a, and so on.


OkVolume1 t1_j8mq4h2 wrote

You were down to blow,

But you broke your toe.