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free_is_free76 t1_ja7cp9w wrote

Can I tangent on the absolutely infuriating nature of someone giving you a hickey when you ask them not to? Like, come on... you dont just accidentally give a hickey because things were hot and heavy... when things are hot and heavy I don't just latch on to one random patch of skin and start Hoovering... All hickeys are intentional and anyone who gives you one when you specifically and clearly stated how badly it would fuck up your situation (or just because they're fucking ugly and used as brands of "ownership" by idiots) isn't really looking out for you, at all.


IamaLuna-tic t1_ja7dqt5 wrote

Yeah i talked to him about it and said that if he wants to do it next time he could go a bit lower so i dont have to freak out, and he felt really awful about it and apologised. we talked about it and i think we're good now!!!!


No-Junket-1659 t1_ja7f1vn wrote

That isnt a good take. It can happen espacially for inexperienced people. They made out for 3 hours, its not like they kissed a couple times and 2 minutes later he starte sucking her skin till a hickey appeared. I never tried to have one appear on purpose but it did happen. It just does.


free_is_free76 t1_ja7z5bo wrote

Yes, you start sucking on skin, purposefully, with intent. That's the only way a hickey happens. He intended to give her hickeys. They don't "just happen".