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savage-dragon t1_j9ublz2 wrote

What you're saying is uncalled for comment on the body out of the blue. Not the same here in this situation. The OP's boyfriend was begging for an answer. The same would be if a woman wanted a comment on her weight level by asking her best friend or boyfriend or a doctor, speaking in a manner that implies her needs for an honest answer.


BusyBoredom t1_j9ue959 wrote

You sound like a man who has never had a significant other.


baithoven22 t1_j9uf2th wrote

Or hasn't had one long enough to the make this exact mistake. Fyi... the answer is always "you look great!" No matter what


BusyBoredom t1_j9ufva1 wrote

Yep, and if weight really is a serious problem, you can lead by example and try to bring her along to your workouts/hiking trips/whatever.