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Impossible_One_2319 t1_ja5p249 wrote

Why? I’ll swap for an equal or better seat if people want to sit together. It’s on them for not taking care of that before getting on the plane, but if it’s not an inconvenience (worse seat, away from my carry on, etc.) and I’m traveling alone, I’m ok moving.


Loko8765 t1_ja6ps0n wrote

Some people expect more… I had paid extra for a row 1 seat because I wanted not only the extra legroom but also place to work on my laptop, and some guy asks me to move so he can be beside his girlfriend. He wasn’t even polite about it, shoving his face into mine from above. I asked what seat, it was two rows back. When I reply “No” (a complete sentence!) he start stammering “but” with a shocked face like his magic incantation unexpectedly hadn’t worked, until his GF shoved him. GF then sat beside me. No attempt was made to get someone from row 3 to move forward smh.


Usrname52 t1_ja7oyic wrote

I was on some flight, separated from my husband. Someone asked me to switch because they were separated from their partner, and whatever, there was no reason for me to say no. Turned out they were next to my husband, so we each got to sit with our SO.


WorldWideDarts t1_ja7xd6m wrote

Makes it harder to identify remains when you slam into the ground at 500mph and everyone is turned into soup