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ColgateToothpaste t1_ja3c5nl wrote

I did something similar one late night working as a AAA Locksmith.

I learned later that the lady let her dog go to the bathroom in the front lawn of her house which was on a very dark not lit up 50mph road. I slammed into her dog going 50 which nearly totaled my lock truck. Dog was on the ground coughing up blood and I got yelled at and called a murderer for running over her dog. Police came and took notes which I used in court to get damages back from her negligence causing me property damage.

It’s not your fault. Its a wild animal. It was going to bit you. The most you could’ve done is call animal control but they’ll put the dog down if it’s too bad, old, or just won’t become tame. Mountain roads suck for visibility.


commandrix t1_ja492lm wrote

The dog's the one I really feel sorry for in a situation like this. It never really had a chance. But that one was more the fault of the owner who let it run around off leash. Maybe now that she's had to cough up for damages, she'll know better. (And if she refuses to pay up, I think there's a way to track down her employer and have them garnish her paycheck for damages awarded in a court case.)