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Steel_Town t1_j7vuvww wrote

>original story

I don't see anywhere that OP claimed to be the one to kill the cat. WTF are you talking about?


Leesidge t1_j7wokdn wrote

They left the cat alone for 3 days while helping her husbands mum. Who looked after the cat during that time? Why wasn't the cat inside?


warriorofinternets t1_j7xi7o9 wrote

Cats can look after themselves!


CitrineLeaf t1_j7xjmei wrote

To an extent, maybe.

But they're living creatures dependent only on us to survive. We are our pets' entire worlds, and when you disappear like that - especially for three days - the cat is going to get into trouble.


BiscuitNIWASHI t1_j7xobzm wrote

Cats have the mental capacity of a five year old. They learn to do things from habit. Especially domesticated cats that never learn to take care of themselves


ProbablyMyJugs t1_j7yx12i wrote

Then how is it the neighbors fault that the cat died? OP being a shitty pet owner is what killed her cat.


RobocopsRobocock t1_j7vxbeq wrote

I didn’t say she claimed to kill her cat, I said she’s the one who killed her cat through negligence and neglect


cjeam t1_j7wr1bv wrote

Leaving antifreeze out is also negligent.

Purposefully psychologically torturing someone so much they have a breakdown is worse though.


QueenofLeftovers t1_j7x9boh wrote

They left the cat without food or water for 3 days while they travelled interstate. If the cat wasn't gonna die from drinking coolant (they already knew about and also the only hydration it had access to??), it wouldn't be a big reach to expect it'd die from some other neglect-based cause of death. OP revealed herself 💀