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mikeschmidt1 t1_j7w6zk5 wrote

So you're cool with potentially ruining this guys life?


ggigfad5 t1_j7w9f3t wrote

He ruined it himself. She didn’t make him destroy his duplex; he did that.


foxy-bb t1_j7weqde wrote

He wouldn't have done that if she didn't drive him to a mental breakdown??? Wtf lol what a fucking delusional take


ThornaBld t1_j7x8xv6 wrote

No he didn’t, not morally and ESPECIALLY not legally. Op is fully responsible for ruining this man’s life because op couldn’t be a responsible pet owner in the slightest


ggigfad5 t1_j7x9oo3 wrote

How is what happened not legal? Man ruined his own life by getting bothered by cat noises.


ThornaBld t1_j7x9yt4 wrote

No he didn’t, op decided to intentionally gaslight and drive a man insane because they couldn’t bother to be a responsible owner. That is not legal and I hope the neighbor sues op for all he can. Op and those defending them are sick. Get help.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xadg6 wrote

Lol. It is very legal. Ethical, maybe not. Legal, yes.

Show me the law it breaks.


ThornaBld t1_j7xaip9 wrote

Harassment laws for one


ggigfad5 t1_j7xaq6s wrote

Nope - try again. Playing cat sounds (or music for that matter) in your own home that others happen to overhear is not harassment.


ThornaBld t1_j7xawtk wrote

Purposely being dense and obtuse is not a good look.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xazu5 wrote

Lol. So you have nothing.

Got it.


ThornaBld t1_j7xb91n wrote

No, you’re just a dumb ass that could be sued, lose, then claim you did nothing wrong. So why bother. Purposely driving someone insane- op admitted it was intentionally done- is illegal and at a MINIMUM is harassment… they even went to the neighbors house


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbe18 wrote

Go on, how can I be sued. You are starting to become more unhinged than usual.

Any lawyer would laugh you out of their office if you tried to make a harassment case.


ThornaBld t1_j7xbj25 wrote

Already did, not my fault you have the intelligence of a walnut and couldn’t comprehend it.


ggigfad5 t1_j7xbsjc wrote

already did what? Your anger at me is making you sloppy in your arguments.

How can I be sued?


Successful-Actuary52 t1_j8gtpds wrote

Because he thought he was having a mental break down with there being. Cat in the wall—