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UsernameIsTakenO_o t1_jab0gm8 wrote

Dreads aren't even a specifically black thing. She just wants to be offended for the sake of being offended.


FlyGuy_2000 t1_jab0re6 wrote

People of weak mind will find anything to be offended about. Best to avoid those people.


attabe123 t1_jab0xp2 wrote

What did she think was going to happen when hosting a dress up like a RAPPER party?


[deleted] OP t1_jab1ekl wrote

I’m guessing she thought people would dress up as their culture and stuff. Lkke all the white kids got Eminem , Harlow and Mac Miller and a few vanilla ice


attabe123 t1_jab1vqi wrote

There are far more black rappers and it was dress up as your favourite, she should have specified "within your own culture " you even asked 2 black people if it was okay. Don't lose sleep over this lol


[deleted] OP t1_jab219u wrote

Yeah I’m just worried cuz it’s my best friend’s girlfriend you know. I don’t wanna be in bad terms with her.

He’s going to be marrying this girl