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Mirawenya t1_j8mnxfv wrote

People that can’t flush it cause there’s no water to flush it with.


grasslife t1_j8mu58m wrote

That's when communication comes in handy.


Mirawenya t1_j8mz9yb wrote

Definitely, though I think most people will want to keep this hidden, and sort it themselves when they can. Problem is when you forget all about it.


jerry111165 t1_j8nb19q wrote

I would never, ever leave someone’s toilet full of my shit - period.


Mirawenya t1_j8nfd5x wrote

Fair, but how would you solve this one without water? Put it in a bag?


jerry111165 t1_j8nglvi wrote

Toilet isnt the only place in the house with water. Theres generally a sink or tub in the same room.

I’d work it out. I certainly wouldn’t leave it for someone else to deal with.


Mirawenya t1_j8nheew wrote

The landlord shut off the water. That means no water in the sink either. And besides, he intended to fix it when back. Big oopsie


jerry111165 t1_j8oph2s wrote

Well - that sucks. Guessing that I probably would have found a different toilet and not taken a crap in a house that had no water.

Who craps in a dry toilet?


Mirawenya t1_j8ouulk wrote

Well he didn't know there wasn't any water until trying to flush. At least around here, our toilets have water in the bottom, and the way it flushes is you dump lots of water from the tank in, and it goes through this S bend thingymajiggy, and it's flushed, and new water is in the bottom. I dunno if other toilets work differently. But in our house, a dry toilet will flush once, and then it won't refill the tank, but there'll be water in the bowl. If you use it after this point, you might find yourself in a pickle. But you won't know there's no water till you try flushing.