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4_Legged_Duck t1_j9u1ir2 wrote

> But anyways I decided to stop being my usual quiet, recluse self and said that I'm a natural ladies man and can get laid at the drop of a hat, and bragged about my 76 tinder matches.

I'm a professor, but not your professor. I do swear in my lectures. I have a warm class room, students fall asleep and sometimes a swear can really punctuate my delivery and wake people up and catch their attention. It also breaks tension so students feel they can actually talk and participate. It's helpful.

But being a "potty mouth" and talking about sex are two deeply different things. Universities, colleges, and the decorum that's involved calls for more and more divisions between professionalism and sexual topics and activities. Frankly, discussing one's sexual exploits can get construed as sexual harassment in today's America and places of business. The professor likely has to take steps to uphold sexual discourse as the line that can't be crossed to keep students from reporting, getting upset, or just feeling uncomfortable.

I'd draw a similar line. I don't know that I would kick a student out of the course (or if I even have that power frankly). If it were me, depending on the situation I might try to make a glib mark that we just found line the we can't cross and to keep things appropriate to the entire course and possibly follow up with the advisor afterward depending on your delivery and attitude regarding this and why it was inappropriate.

I can see from your other comments in this thread you're pretty unrepentant and aggressive to other posters, so I totally can imagine scenarios of wanting you out of the classroom. You don't "get it." Methinks you might keep FUing for a while.


Bigdaddycool985 OP t1_j9u2juk wrote

I can be as courteous as possible and people will still be cowards and downvote me into oblivion, just because they reject the premise of my post and character altogether. Like I'll make a post, someone will comment something thats perfectly nice and reasonable, and I'll respond and be sweet as pie, and boom 53 downvotes. I've kinda accepted that people don't really fw me so I'm admittedly confrontational as a defense mechanism. I call it the "lip rule". If I'm talking to someone I'll be really cool and nice but if they give me any lip (disrespect) I turn into a cold hearted son of a bitch. Thanks for your input as a professor, though.


4_Legged_Duck t1_j9u37k4 wrote

Good luck. Honestly I know a few people with similar rules. They've devolved into righteous sonsabitches that just piss people off constantly. If you're looking for offenses, you'll find them.

You made a post about sexual harassment, being obtuse, rude, and angry that you were called on your behavior. On reddit. Of course people are going to give you grief for it. Then you're mad that they're giving you grief?

Like, fellow redditor, I'm not telling you how to live your life but the anger you carry around with you isn't something you have to do. You can enjoy life and not be feel crapped on all the time. And if you can't get there yourself, it is okay to try to therapy (something you deeply decried in another comment). You just don't deserve to be this on edge.


cjmemay t1_j9u81mf wrote

You don't have to be angry, even if your brain tells you otherwise. You deserve to be happy. I hope you find something that makes you happy, without dumping on others, and focus on that. Good luck to you, comrade