Submitted by t3_11ejpor in tifu

So today, I (m 20) decided I wanted to climb up to my attic. I have been living in the same home for about 16 years of my life, but I have never actually gone to the attic of my house, making it the only unexplored portion of my home for me. I decided today was the perfect day because I was home alone, and I did not have any responsibilities until around 5 p.m., meaning I could finally explore the attic. I had asked my dad (m 51) days prior, but he really didn't give me an answer that satisfied me about how it's like up there.

So, I got the ladder and climbed my way up to the attic. After I got up there, I slowly began to walk around, only to see a small crib that caught my fancy. I began to walk towards it only for me to step on a portion of drywall that was not at all sturdy, which led to me plummeting into my parent's bedroom beside the bed. I got up only to see wood, dust, and drywall scattered on the floor and my right side all scraped up. In awe, I began to slowly clean up everything realizing I am going to die tonight. I am currently researching how to repair a drywall hole because I'm probably going to have to do it given my poor decision for today.

TL;DR: Curiosity killed the cat (me), and I went up my attic only to fall through and make a huge hole.



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t1_jaegsq2 wrote

Ahahaha! My partner did the same thing when he was 14. My mother in law cackles when she tells the story of him falling through the ceiling into the living room as she's watching afternoon TV. A great fuck up story for when you're older.


t1_jaen73m wrote

Anyone who's watched National Lampoon's Vacation knows what to do and not do when exploring an attic. 🙂


t1_jaetf9b wrote

Were you told not to go up there?


OP t1_jaeujwh wrote

Nope, I was never told not to go up. My parents originally even had a plan with me to try and make a room up there, but that fell through when it came into the question of logistics.


t1_jaeuw6z wrote

Seems like that's not the only thing that fell through.

Nah, but you're probably fine, as long as your parents have never once told you it's dangerous to go up there


t1_jaf0u19 wrote

Yeah realistically they’ll be more relieved he didn’t get injured falling through than annoyed. Especially because they didn’t even know the flooring was fucked. OP might even have saved someone else falling through the floor