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-Immolation- t1_j9bry7s wrote

I live in Canada and some times banks here can recover money for you but there is a very fine line when that can be done. My friend had their bank accounts skimmed by a compromised bank machine and they thought they lost $13,000+ dollars but they recovered it for them. I hope it all works out for you. That sounds like a lot of stress. =(


Old-Werewolf-2146 OP t1_j9bso6g wrote

Hopefully Australia works the same, thank you.


SunChipMan t1_j9c2qm0 wrote

I hope you've called your bank or do so IMMEDIATELY.


drmcfc_89 t1_j9edk5d wrote

Are you with CommBank? If so pretty sure you can contact them directly and explain your situation. Think they will realise the name of the account and the account numbers aren't the same and hopefully sense will prevail.

Can understand your anxiety but I'm 99% sure that if you contact your bank and explain the situation you will get it refunded if it did go to someone else


littlemanja t1_j9ep17k wrote

I’ve done this before also in Australia lol I got the money back a day or so later I reckon. It should be ok but very worrying at the time!