Submitted by t3_117qihh in tifu

Today I was at my friends place chilling and hit a couple dabs and got a little faded. I left after a couple of hours and stopped to get gas on the way home. I sat in my car while the gas was pumping. My brain must’ve still been fuzzy, because when it was finished pumping I got out, got my receipt, got back in my car, and drove off.

I heard a weird noise and looked back and saw it dragging before I left the parking lot. I looked back at the pump and there was the other end of the hose dangling and a bit of gas had spilled out of it into the pavement below.

My split second thought was to drive off but immediately I chastised myself for such a dumb idea mentally. I went inside and explained what happened. They said no big deal it happens and they can fix it but it’ll be $80 dollars please. I choked a little and handed over my debit card and that was that.

Edit: to those of you commenting about driving under the influence. Notice I said it had been hours. Geez.

Tl; dr I drove off from a gas pump with the nozzle still inserted in my tank and it cost me $80.



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t1_j9d5w9i wrote

Very good to immediately do the right thing while no one is looking, although there is probably a camera but it’s still good you did it. Not everyone would return.


t1_j9gip6n wrote

Can confirm. Did this when I was 20 and drove the hell off in utter embarrassment, returning did not cross my mind at that time. The one I did it on seemed to be built to pop off, altho that could easily have just been what I told myself.


t1_j9if29d wrote

They are made with a break away connection because this isn't as rare as people think.


t1_j9ktmvw wrote

I once almost forgot to put it away. Over here in my own world. "La de daa. Oo butterflies.. K done pumping. Wallet. keys. Phone. Time to- oh silly me. Put this back."


t1_j9kwst2 wrote

I almost did it a week or two ago. Luckily it made a noise and slid partially out of my tank so I stopped before it pulled too much.


t1_j9db72n wrote

Driving under the influence. Awesome.


t1_j9e3b9l wrote

Exactly. Why even include in your story you got faded off a couple dabs if you're gonna try to claim you were sober. I'm an experienced thc user and know you still have a head change after a couple hours with multiple dabs.


OP t1_j9dc4lq wrote

I was sober at that point


t1_j9dt03v wrote

Not sober enough to take the nozzle out.


t1_j9g558q wrote

I don't know the rules in the US, but here in Europe it's illegal to drive with still THC in your system. So could be weeks technically


t1_j9e57u9 wrote

Apparently not as, by your words, "my brain must've still been fuzzy"


t1_j9d7d17 wrote

Modern gas pumps are designed with a mechanism for the hose to break away for this exact reason. Good on you for doing the right thing, though I don't agree with the whole driving while high part.


t1_j9fn24m wrote

So it's become so common that the manufacturers have to dumbass-proof them? Awesome 🤣


t1_j9ggphe wrote

So many things are dumb proofed. It just doesn't catch our attention because we are used to them


t1_j9l9g8p wrote

He could have done the same thing without being stoned. It happens. The op could have had something going on and just wasn’t thing at the time. A cpl dabs isn’t shit. Just think of all the drunks that are on the road. Weed is not as bad as alcohol. And the bonus is you don’t act a fool and be a total dick smoking pot or doing a cpl dabs


t1_j9ljl6g wrote

Writing "my brain must've still been fuzzy" is a qualifying statement, so by OPs own admission it still had an effect.

I never posted anything about the strength of a couple dabs, or compared alcohol to marijuana. Whatever point you are trying to make has nothing at all to do with my prior post.


t1_j9elgpv wrote

Sounds like you were dusted, man. Sometimes it's best to just chill in your car, and not drive anywhere until you're positive you're good to go, or just hang out at your friend's. If that means sleeping it off, do it.

Lucky the hoses were break-aways or you'd be out closer to $500+.


t1_j9edi6r wrote

>Edit: to those of you commenting about driving under the influence. Notice I said it had been hours. Geez.

No you said a couple of hours. A couple is nowhere near enough for it to leave your system. You would still fail a drugs test, so you were DUI.

I know loads of people who smoke and aren't this reckless with other people's safety.

Grow up, own your shit.


t1_j9fixy7 wrote

This, 100%. If being high hadn't been relevant to the FU, then you wouldn't have included it in the story. It's good that you owned your mistake, but by doing the right thing and staying in your car, you would've avoided it altogether.


t1_j9eruki wrote

A couple dabs definitely doesn't last a couple hours. And it's in your system for 30 days so by that logic people who smoke can never ever drive safely. So when's the cut off? 30 days, 60 days, 90 days? There is NO test that can truly verify whether someone who smoked weed is High RIGHT now like there is with a breathalyzer.


t1_j9fjoyh wrote

It's not? For a casual user, it should clear in 14 days. For a heavy user that can be up to three months that it's detectable in blood.

There's a reason there's a legal limit.


t1_j9dlukt wrote

Seriously, you're a dumbass. Should stay off the lettuce and the roads.


t1_j9ex85d wrote

That's actually interesting, I'd look into this as you may have been taken for 80$. I worked at a gas station (ran it as manager) for over a year, the nozzles have a break point on them and just snap back on pretty simply because of how often it happens. I can't say for sure because I don't know where you are or how things are there, but I can say here we just used to snap em back on and continue with the day.


t1_j9fznji wrote

Perhaps something broke when was dragged, hard to know without pics.


t1_j9hltw1 wrote

They could also charge people whether it breaks or not as a deterrent. Imagine if the same person just kept breaking a pump - I don’t think I would care if it snapped back on at that point.


t1_j9i9248 wrote

Even then average joe pump jockey isn't going to know what it costs.


t1_j9ghxh7 wrote

In california at least, its illegal to snap them back on now and the part is $150 for the gas station. We charge $250 because of parts and labor. $80 is cheap

source: I own a gas station


t1_j9i9w47 wrote

I mean I haven't worked at a gas station in 15 years but that seems like a huge step backwards to go from snap together to needing parts. Kind of sounds like Apple and their proprietary parts that you absolutely can't get anywhere else and you have to have :P


t1_j9llebp wrote

I felt like that at first but reusing the same pieces multiple times an affect flow rates and cause the pump to need to be serviced and calibrated more often.

It often happens and the people that drive away without owning up to it make some stations charge more to make up for others that aren't honest. I've heard some stations charge $1200 for driving away with the pump. This could also be because other parts were damaged.

One way or the other an invoice for anything paid for is necessary for you to keep because once you've paid for any damage, any further payment is hard for the station to acquire without some sort of written statement. If you think you're being scammed - ask for a receipt. Make sure it's specific - parts and labor/description of damage.


t1_j9noxze wrote

Not disagreeing with any part of what your laying down. I understand and mostly agree. I do want to add YMMV though up here in Canada (at least in Alberta) pumps are required to be checked for new flow valves every 3 months, fuel levels in ground checked daily, and outflow inspection done daily as well so it should (should being the operative word) get caught real fast if there's an issue :P


t1_j9qwcp7 wrote

You guys are wayyyyy ahead of us then. We have inspections by weights and measures once every 2 years. It used to be once a year but they're "overloaded". We have a yearly inspection by the fire department, but they are only looking for specific issues, and I don't believe flow rates are one of the things they look at.

Fuel levels in the ground are checked constantly and reconciled daily, but fluctuations in temperature have us over or short up to 60 gallons a day, so it's less accurate a representation of how calibrated the pumps are. California leaves it up to each station to stay on top of all the maintenance, but the fines for equipment not working right or tampered with are heavy to make the owners want to have accurate and properly working equipment.


t1_j9gfrc7 wrote

I'm not sure if incidents like this need to be reported to the police/the drivers insurance company so the $80 might have been the stations hush fee.


t1_j9i9n57 wrote

They do not. The nozzles have a break point specifically for this and provided there's no damage to anybody else insurance isn't going to care.


t1_j9gbezb wrote

"It had been hours, I definitely totally wasn't still under the influence of drugs!"

*Drives off and tears the nozzle off the gas pump*


t1_j9d8ixl wrote

Good for you for going back, many wouldn't. That says a lot about your character.

But now for a rant. I do not understand sitting in the car while pumping. It's a 2 minute process at the most, I don't think I've ever stood there for longer than that. It's strange to me that anyone would sit in their car for that.


t1_j9dtr6p wrote

I live in Minnesota and almost everyone here sits in their car while getting gas in the winter because that shit gets way too cold to just be standing still


t1_j9fswbb wrote

As a fellow Minnesotan, I've never left my car unattended while filling up. -30f or not.


t1_j9g0tlp wrote

i live in the asscrack of the midwest where it gets absolutely frigid and still wait outside while pumping gas — partially because it’s a safety hazard and partially because i’m a cheapskate and only fill my tank halfway at a time


OP t1_j9d9vym wrote

It was cold and I was underdressed 🤷‍♂️


t1_j9dl4tl wrote

Don’t know why mfs are downvoting this must be southerners lol.


t1_j9f6e49 wrote

I live in Western Canada and pump gas regularly at -30 - -40 degrees Celsius and I’ve actually never once in my life sat in my car when fuelling up or seen anyone do that in my life! You just curse the sky, pace a bit and try to leave your body for the 5 mins it takes.


t1_j9fixth wrote

At my station we charge people $550 for driving away with the nozzle. I think you got lucky


t1_j9fx8ns wrote

That makes sense, because the gas station now has to replace the nozzle. But $80 to just snap the hose connectors back together...I don't feel bad for OP because they were driving while "still a little fuzzy," but they got scammed LOL. I guess it doesn't pay to have a moral compass at that particular gas station.


t1_j9g9o6a wrote

Your fuck up started when you got back in the vehicle. There’s literally a sign that says not to do so.


t1_j9hc3xd wrote

That's for static electricity, but it's still a good idea not to regardless.


t1_j9hc7q7 wrote

Yeah, I didn’t think it was for stoners that will forget what the hell they’re doing but it’s still a good rule to follow.


t1_j9hczf6 wrote

True. I use that time to clean the windows and check the oil.


t1_j9gd70d wrote

Too bad cops didn't catch you and give you a DWI.


OP t1_j9gdahn wrote

I wasn’t impaired so….

On another note you seem extraordinarily bitter based on your wish for harm to come to others who are doing nothing wrong. I would suggest therapy and/or medication. Typical an interdisciplinary approach is best. Good luck!


t1_j9gdozp wrote

>Today I was at my friends place chilling and hit a couple dabs and got a little faded. I left after a couple of hours and stopped to get gas on the way home.

>My brain must’ve still been fuzzy, because when it was finished pumping I got out, got my receipt, got back in my car, and drove off.

>>I wasn't impaired

The biggest cope ever provided by a shit head who drives while under the influence of a drug.


t1_j9gld22 wrote

You’re missing the point.

You say the commenter is wishing harm to come to you.


The commenter is wishing you would face consequences for your own irresponsible actions.

Preferably before you hurt someone.


t1_j9exes2 wrote

It had been hours but your head was still fuzzu. It's not anout how long has been, but about how you feel.

Still, not trying to be the morals police here lol, it's a funny story.


t1_j9d5f2p wrote

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger bruh. I did it once when I used to drive an 18-wheeler on long hauls. I got 5 miles down the road before another trucker told me about it on my CB radio. Talk about a red face!


t1_j9g27z9 wrote

OP, this is probably a good reality check to not drive under the influence. I don’t consume cannabis, but I do drink alcohol, which has similar effects on driving. If you think you’re going to be under the influence at any time when you go to hang out…bring an overnight bag. That way, you can crash on the couch and sleep it off if you’re not sure. And make sure you have a good read on your tolerance….an over abundance of caution is always a good play.


t1_j9gi9ze wrote

average casual recreational user of any drug


t1_j9f5d5k wrote

It's best to stay near the pump when dispensing gas or diesel instead of getting back into the car. It doesn't matter if you take a minute to clean the windshield, just stay out there and pay attention to what's going on with the pump. This is also a good time to walk around the car and look at the tires to spot any obvious problems. You will still be able to hear the click as the pumping stops, and that's your cue to remove the nozzle and return it to its dock on the pump. Close the gas filler on the car, then grab your receipt. If you must go in to the store to pay, lock the car first with your fob. Routines like this may sound a little OCD, but what you are doing is training your brain to run a program that covers all the bases so that you don't have to think anything through every time. Getting back into the car while the pump runs opens you up to a break in the routine where you fiddle with the radio or look at your phone, making errors more likely as your brain is not concentrating on the job at hand.


t1_j9fkoau wrote

My wife was the general manager of a gas station for 11 years. Not once, did they ever require payment for when this happened. You got fucking robbed my dude. It's a quick disconnect system meant for this exact reason and doesn't require payment to fix . . . .


t1_j9gdac9 wrote

How many curbs did you hit on the way out?


t1_j9gkwpk wrote

At least it was only a gas pump damaged and not a person.

You were absolutely too high to drive.


t1_j9er86p wrote

I saw someone do this when I was 12 and the whole gas pump shattered. It was so loud. I've always been so super careful when filling up my car and always think of that time.


t1_j9eu1ez wrote

This has to be one of my biggest fears...dunno why haha but I guess more or less don't wanna be one of those videos online with the nozel hanging out while I'm going down the road.


t1_j9f3ln3 wrote

How lazy do you have to be to get back into the car whilst the gas is pumping lol.


t1_j9h01u4 wrote

I’m amazed by this! So where you are (I’m assuming US because you said gas) you can sit in your car while it dispenses. Wow!

Can’t do that in the UK. You need to press the handle or it stops. That’s truly idiot proofing it.

Every day’s a school day!


t1_j9hcto4 wrote

You're not supposed to get back in your car here, but some people do.


t1_j9eia10 wrote

Oh don’t feel too bad $80 isn’t the end of the world and you did the right thing. I also feel like I would have done this at least one time before my paranoia would make me quadruple check the that I have took it out before I leave but I live in New Jersey and rarely have to pump my own gas


t1_j9fu8w8 wrote

Replacing a break-away hose take a few seconds, and I would assume gas station employees are trained in how to do it. I'm guessing you were a clearly stoned person so they saw an opportunity to make $80.


t1_j9gomyi wrote

I did this as well over 20 years ago as well. I was just in a rush to get back home from college so I could eat before work. I totally took the nozzle out and left it in the gas station.


You're a better person than I was.


t1_j9gufl7 wrote

As someone that manages a gas station (11 years and counting), it happens quite frequently. What is perplexing me is that they charged you $80? We have a maintenance guy come out and reattach the hose to the breakaway and that's that. As long as the nozzle wasn't damaged, it's really isn't that big of a deal. Yeah it sucks the pump is out of commission (I only have 6 pumps at my store lol), but it happens.

I attempted to fix it myself, but got doused with gas and was like "eff that, let the maintenance guy do it" 🤣


t1_j9h38y8 wrote

Well at least you didn’t kill anyone while driving home! Fucking idiot.


t1_j9h39qu wrote

That happens at my gas station too but we don't charge people for the new hose...


t1_j9hag2j wrote

It happens to truckers very frequently. Its just being fatigued and distracted.

Glad you stuck around!


t1_j9hm2d7 wrote

You say hours but you also said “my brain must have still been fuzzy”. So it’s either you were “faded” or you aren’t. So why mention it? Geez.


t1_j9il4ck wrote

There's no way you should have paid for that. There is a breakaway in the hose that stops gas so it doesn't spill out from the pump. It's super easy to pop back on. You got robbed.


t1_j9e63d8 wrote

Wait they made you pay to get it fixed?? I work at a gas station and that shit happens all of the time and we’ve never charged anyone for it. That’s bizarre.


t1_j9g722b wrote

They saw how cooked he was and figured they'd make an easy $80, big ups to them.


t1_j9ek1gh wrote

To err is human. To admit that error is divine.


t1_j9fvz1g wrote

Good job owning up to your mistake. Shit happens and you made it right.


t1_j9f42db wrote

You got ripped off 😆 I did the same with nothing in my system so don't feel bad. I went in and told them and they just said, ok we'll get it fixed. Didn't charge me anything.


t1_j9g6q8m wrote

Hah they jacked you for $80, the hoses have a failsafe that just makes them pop off, they can put it right back on with ease.


t1_j9ft8ny wrote

Comments act like there aren’t people that have done this completely sober. OP probably shouldn’t have been driving but this isn’t something that happened only because of THC. As stated, this happens at gas stations all the time.


OP t1_j9fzkw4 wrote

And the thing is I was sober. I probably shouldn’t have added the dab comment. It had been hours and I have a ridiculous tolerance because I use THC daily for medical reasons


t1_j9gn2ww wrote

You were 100% under the influence and you're lying to yourself to make yourself feel better. If you were sober, you wouldn't have made such a stupid decision. This was careless and if you admitted in your post that your brain was still "a little fuzzy" during this incident.

Own up to the mistake, be better, and don't endanger others with your decisions.