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Gordon_Explosion t1_j9db72n wrote

Driving under the influence. Awesome.


Soft-Preparation1838 t1_j9e3b9l wrote

Exactly. Why even include in your story you got faded off a couple dabs if you're gonna try to claim you were sober. I'm an experienced thc user and know you still have a head change after a couple hours with multiple dabs.


declandd34 t1_j9dl6rf wrote

Bro has never smoked weed before


eternalrefuge86 OP t1_j9dc4lq wrote

I was sober at that point


wilsontron t1_j9dt03v wrote

Not sober enough to take the nozzle out.


Spiderbanana t1_j9g558q wrote

I don't know the rules in the US, but here in Europe it's illegal to drive with still THC in your system. So could be weeks technically


P_K148 t1_j9e57u9 wrote

Apparently not as, by your words, "my brain must've still been fuzzy"