Yogurt shouldn't bother you. It really doesn't have much lactose left in it. If you cut out all the fresh dairy products, and only consume fermented dairy like yogurt, you should be okay.
I’m also lactose intolerant and have tried almond milk and soy milk, not a fan. You can get lactose free cow’s milk though, doesn’t taste exactly the same but it’s the closest
If you're reacting to yogurt that isn't lactose intolerance - you are probably outright allergic to dairy products of any type. Severely so, if you got set off that badly, I'd say. Might be worth seeing a doctor about that.
This was a significant chunk of my entire childhood. Milk at every breakfast and dinner, and then I got sick soon afterwards, every time. I am lactose intolerant and my mother didn't understand this was even a thing. For the longest time I thought that everyone naturally got sick after drinking milk, but everyone just put up with it because it was "healthy".
Here's a suggestion. Experiment with other milks. Oat milk, nut milk, rice milk. It's not the same, but it's an ok substitute if you find the right flavourings that you like, eg chai tea or some such.
You don't have to drink milk before bed, have a herbal tea or kombucha or
Being lactose intolerant and drinking milk doesn't just give you stomach pain and diarrhea, it can cause lasting damage to your intestinal linings and lead to chronic illness.
Do yourself a favour and stop giving yourself the shits just because you like the taste.
Once I was so angry at my parents that I chugged a whole carton of milk on purpose so that I would have the worst smelling farts. Little did I know that the plan would backfire as I also had the worst smelling diarrhea
RudeSprinkles1240 t1_jaalxyk wrote
Yogurt shouldn't bother you. It really doesn't have much lactose left in it. If you cut out all the fresh dairy products, and only consume fermented dairy like yogurt, you should be okay.