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redbucket75 t1_j7obxin wrote

Monogamy is a pretty common rule in relationships. Seems likely that is a rule both have for each other.


aussie_nub t1_j7ovurx wrote

Yes, I was picking apart the way you said it that suggests cheating is somehow OK because "She's not involved".

For some people, monogamy includes not staring at (semi) naked women for sexual gratification.


redbucket75 t1_j7pauy4 wrote

I didn't say that at all, I was explaining the difference between boundaries and rules.

Most, though not all, romantic relationships have monogamy as a rule.


aussie_nub t1_j7rj8n9 wrote

>Boundaries are behaviors that involve her

No you're right, you never said that.

Since you swear it's different, please explain how looking at scantily clad women in a sexual manner doesn't involve her, but cheating does.


redbucket75 t1_j7rl4px wrote

I didn't say that either. Both are rules for a significant other's behavior while in a relationship, neither are boundary issues.


aussie_nub t1_j7s4vm3 wrote

Which part didn't you say? The bit I quoted from you, or the bit where you suggested that looking at scantily clad women on the internet doesn't count as cheating because the woman isn't involved:

>But you looking at arousing media isn't a "boundary" of hers. Boundaries are behaviors that involve her and make her uncomfortable.

Because you definitely said both.


redbucket75 t1_j7s6183 wrote

I'm going to stop this conversation here, you won the argument. I don't know what the argument was, but you seem intent on winning it. Good job.


aussie_nub t1_j7s87fh wrote

It gets like that sometimes. But you contradicted yourself multiple times, so it needed to be pointed out. Have a good day.


cloudyasshit t1_j7p0bp2 wrote

Those people will be either forever alone or cheated on the whole time.


aussie_nub t1_j7p3qfm wrote

What a load of crap. You understand that some people get married when they share the same values and are both happy with the rules, right? Don't act like one rule fits all, it doesn't.


twochain2 t1_j7pi11g wrote

Well username checks out because you are a nub at reading comprehension. They did not say that AT ALL.

I’m actually amazed that you read their comment and came to the conclusion that they said “it suggests cheating is somehow OK”.
