Submitted by PM-me-fancy-beer t3_11742uv in tifu
Very dumb FU. I'm feeling like a grumpy AH and decided I had earned takeaway for putting up with my grumpy self for a whole day. Halal snack pack (HSP) is my grumpy food of choice.
Unfortunately Monday night and most of my favourite places are closed. Jump on the apps for a browse and see somewhere I haven't been doing a large HSP for a decent price. The description is 'chips, sauce, cheese and chicken/lamb'. I put in the usual notes, lamb, no cheese (I find it makes it weird), extra salt. Easy peasy.
So I order and I wait and I wait and I wait. I keep checking the app because lately drivers haven't been knocking and sometimes food ends up being left down the street. Eventually I get a notification my order has arrived. I run down to get my saucy styroam comfort snack... And it's not there. There's a pizza box. WTF.
I was about to complain/see if the driver was still around but I had a realisation and checked the box. Chips, meat, extra salt (and no cheese) on a pizza base. They even forgot the garlic sauce. So now I'm spitefully chewing on my dry salty pizza. Nowhere in the description did is say that it was H-S-Pizza, but if I looked at the menu properly (instead of searching) I would have seen that they only do pizzas.
TLDR: Pizza shop delivered, I am salty
andrewta t1_j99yy1w wrote
Can someone explain what is a h s pizza is?
Also never heard of extra salt on a pizza..
And if your order from a pizza shop why would you expect to get anything other then a pizza?