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Okilurknomore t1_je5sxqt wrote

Having a terrible date with a slob in public? Maybe going back to his place will be better? Is this a serious thought process that a real life person had??


Bedbouncer t1_je6dom1 wrote

>But, I tried to look past that and give him a chance
>but I played along because I didn't want to be rude.
>I wasn't super into the idea, but I thought, "What the hell?

"i didn't really want a threesome with a random prostitute, but I was like I've come this far already, maybe it will help him relax...."


SilasDG t1_je6xxcs wrote

>I'm not the type to be impressed by that kind of thing



cyankitten t1_je71u2y wrote

A lot of women and girls ARE SUPER conditioned into “mustn’t be rude” yes it’s a thing.


Cl0udSurfer t1_je73dm1 wrote

Thats still a far throw from going back to a guys place on a first date when you already werent really feeling it. That just seems dumb and dangerous in my opinion


cyankitten t1_je73qox wrote

Yes. You are right. I was going to say maybe they thought something would change. I wouldn’t have done it. For eg I had a date so boring once I literally DID consider running away out the bathroom (of the pub!) window. And he said “they have hotel rooms here” and I just thought NO WAY.


nightowl_i t1_je648zi wrote

Ikr, why would anyone hope the person will get "better" on a first date ! He must be really good looking or OP just wanted to see how rich he is.....