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Ozmorty t1_jdzykkf wrote

No treaty, no contract, no sale, no cost.


jj_8080x OP t1_jdzyotl wrote

So you are saying that if they didn't mention any costs or payments beforehand and I didn't explicitly agree that I shouldn't worry about it?


Ozmorty t1_jdzyvpp wrote

Oh you’ll have to DEAL with it, but you’re on solid ground if they can’t show you where they offered you a price and you accepted it.


Zachary_Binks t1_je08uo5 wrote

I've worked in medical offices for many years at many places and actually used to send medical records to people. Every place I worked at always had a breakdown of how much the medical records were.

I believe there are regulations on how much can be charged and usually charged per page, which can sometimes cause not knowing the total amount due until they're provided due to everyone's record being different.

For example, at one job, it was $5.00 for the first page and $0.15 for each additional page after that but would cap the charge at a certain amount if it was a lot of pages.

Obviously, all places are different, but I would be very surprised if the pricing wasn't outlined when OP requested the records. For medical offices, this is a pretty common and streamlined process.


Ozmorty t1_je09bpm wrote

Sure. I’m saying the burden is on them to prove they disclosed this and to demonstrate where OP specifically accepted the costs. Otherwise torts agogo and contract anono.


TyroneFuckinFootball t1_je0t5xc wrote

This is not exactly true. Otherwise you wouldn’t have any suits based on quantum meruit. You can’t accept goods/services that generally cost money, then say “you never told me the price so I don’t have to pay.” Assuming the price is reasonable and in line with what other entities charge for something similar, that argument isn’t going to work for OP.


Cindexxx t1_je2ngrt wrote

Records don't "generally cost money". My records are all online for free. I can get them faxed to another clinic for free. I could see printing them costing money though.

I could see OP getting out of this if he never accessed the records. But even if he doesn't pay it's just a few $ medical debt.


Ozmorty t1_je1voag wrote

Not sure in this case, if things have played out as described by OP. The site said “may be a charge” - if there was no way directly on that portal to see what those charges might amount to, he could argue the costs away successfully.


blackcatpandora t1_je1hasx wrote

Right, hospitals and doctors offices are well known for always telling you how much something is before you agree to the procedure/medicine/checkup 🥴


thumpngroove t1_je21ijx wrote

I was leaving a practice after a misdiagnosis, so not in great terms. They immediately informed me my records would cost $5 per page, and I had 65 pages. How do you want to pay?

My next doctor just got the records for free anyway, but I found it frightening and disgusting that my own health records could be hijacked like that. Made me hate that practice even more.


dryphtyr t1_je30duf wrote

The pricing is in the sub basement in a locked cabinet, I'm sure


jj_8080x OP t1_je00771 wrote

ugh :/

well, that's still good to know. I've looked over everything thoroughly and it mentions nothing about payments due, it's all so confusing. I'm really hoping that I'm overthinking it and that I don't have to pay anything but I think that's too optimistic


Ozmorty t1_je00zv8 wrote

I’d be standing firm and saying show me where the price was published and accepted by me before you provided the goods? Take a screenshot of the empty bill as it stands etc too.

They’re shit out of luck but you need an email trail to get them to acknowledge they screwed up so you cover yourself from them trying to get a debt collector onto you IF they issue an actual bill.


BoJo2736 t1_je1p4ur wrote

Call their medical records department and talk to someone.