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pogiguy2020 t1_jdcsy63 wrote

Even if she says she doesnt talk to HIM anymore and IF she is still not talking to you as if she has as other mention checked out of your marriage, then you did not FU.

You simply found out the truth that she is not willing to be honest and tell you. Also if she does not want you on anything that means she is preparing for something which I would assume is divorce.

The one thing you did not mention is children and hopefully there are none so they dont have to go thru this process.

Honestly what do you have to lose by telling her? She will more than likely throw it back in your face as if it is your fault when in reality SHE is the one with those messages still on her phone. Stand your ground especially IF you have done nothing as she has done.

She is fully in the wrong IF she is the only one of you who is doing things outside the marriage.