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t1_jdyxy1x wrote



t1_jdzfmur wrote

Oral thrush in infants is a sign of STD. Staph not staff is staphylococcus and, also an std marker. There are times where i just ignore comments like children who do not belong in my school or classroom. Not being a parent myself, it is difficult to engage others regardless of age. I leave this thread open to anyone who may need some legal and medical advice pro bono. But i will need to see legal identification in order to be safe. Except i must insist, even the local authorities in the USA are hard to rely on.

But thank you for your input.


t1_jdzj2h7 wrote

If you've recently been thinking "I'm good now, I don't need these meds", there's a chance you need them again.


t1_jdzmqj1 wrote

Actually no. In fact, i have had doctors who insisted i take medication that i initially refused numerous times. So i took matters into my own hands and spoke with therapists who dealt with people that had aids and stds, on top of mental disfigurations.

At the end of the day. It can be a local support group for mil-vets or those who abuse alcohol. Cold case detectives and the like.

Or it could be a regular job. Sensitive to political issues and vigilant against harassment. Women go the gym. Men can as well. Martial Arts or social activities are also options.

And if it goes without saying. We can leave the world in the hands of Greta Thunberg or, ensure that children dont have to “speak” for themselves. Emotionally, i feel many people are not as mature as they think. Age could play a role but, some children in third world countries for example are indebted into work, whatever type it may be.

But you know. “I like to move it move it”



t1_je07wta wrote

You sound insane. None of your comments make amy sense and are BARELY connected to the topic at hand. My sister who used to do fucking meth makes more sense when she speaks than you are right now.


t1_je0ew1l wrote

sounds like they go to say something then start spamming the auto fill button till it looks like a paragraph