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Citadelvania t1_jd2cdrz wrote

I feel like if a student was slurring their words and acting weird, while not being the type of student to be drunk in school in the morning, I would have them checked by the school nurse to make sure they didn't have a stroke or something.


TheTiffani86 t1_jd2iqng wrote

This sorta happened to my sister. She was stumbling up the road to the bus stop, the neighbor noticed and called our dad to let him know his daughter was drunk. He said "Tiffani?" They said, "No, the other one." He was so confused because she, to this day, is about as straight edge as you can get. Turned out she had a really bad inner ear infection that f'ed her balance.


dyselxiccarrot OP t1_jd2r3vi wrote

I don’t think I really had to talk in any of my other classes, and might’ve sobered up enough to not get caught, but who knows. As for my AP English class, I was the only kid there who played sports and got along with that crowd, so it was my place where I was kind of “class clown”, whereas I was shy everywhere else. Teacher might’ve chalked it up to that.