Submitted by nocompetition00 t3_126ir7t in tifu

So this all started about a week ago (week ago, week ago). I (M22) started talking to this girl (F22) through social media and we clicked right away. The vibe has been incredible and after a couple of days of texting she asked if we could call, I thought it would make the conversation a bit more personal so I agreed. We ended up calling for hours and laughed all the time. This is the first time ever my humor matches this well with a girl and ever since I really want this to work.

During this conversation, we talked about first dates and she mentioned something about a Taylor Swift tribute event in Brussels but it was already sold out. We talked about some other stuff and eventually went to sleep. The next day I started looking for these tickets because I knew she would absolutely love them. And after about 30 mins I found them. Scared of them selling out again I thought it would be smart to immediately buy them without waiting for her to confirm these were the right ones. I text her and say I got us 2 tickets, she is in disbelief and can't believe someone would do that for her, I played it off cool and told her not to worry about it and said I would call her later that night.

When I call her she thanks me and asked me how much the tickets cost so she could pay her share. I told her we could work that out later because I wasn't in the mood for a little back and forth (I wasn't planning on letting her pay but she wasn't planning on letting me pay for her either). When she asked for the address I went and checked the tickets only to find out the event takes place in Canada... After about a minute of silence and several "are you there's" I told her what I just had found out. She started laughing for what seemed like at least 2 whole minutes. We both have ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder) and she told me not to worry about it and that she would help me get a refund. While typing this I got the refund confirmation and we got tickets for a reading of Jordan B. Peterson instead. And yes, I double-checked the location.

TL;DR: I accidentally bought tickets for an event in Canada for a first date while living in Belgium.



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Dethjonny t1_jebo4ns wrote

So the real TIFU is buying tickets to see Jordan B Peterson.


Rainbow62993 t1_je9a12y wrote

I'm not sure what having ADHD has to do with laughing about the situation and then discussing getting a refund? Was just a weird thing to include. Unrelated 😅


nocompetition00 OP t1_je9a9et wrote

ADD, not ADHD. Being impulsive and not minding attention to detail are some of the symptoms


Rainbow62993 t1_je9ak69 wrote

ADD is an outdated term - it's ADHD.


nocompetition00 OP t1_je9b1io wrote

If you know so much about it, then how come you couldn’t make the link


Rainbow62993 t1_je9b9dq wrote

Google too hard for you? Here since you couldn't do a simple search for yourself. I'm gonna go off on a limb and say you're just self diagnosing at this point. Anyone with an actual diagnosis would know it's ADHD and they haven't been using the term ADD since the 90's.

I also didn't need to "make a link since I know so much" - I have an actual ADHD diagnosis.


KittikatB t1_je9briw wrote

Maybe you're unaware that diagnostic terminology in America is not universally used across the world. It's still differentiated as ADD or ADHD where I live. My kid has a diagnosis of ADD.


Rainbow62993 t1_je9c3ph wrote

Perhaps so, and good to know. However OP had no reason to list a diagnosis in this story, especially when added in randomly during a laughing fit and discussion of getting a refund. Too many people are making self diagnosis these days and it's beyond annoying for those who actually have to deal with it.


KittikatB t1_je9esmt wrote

As someone diagnosed with OCD, I'm all too familiar with the self-diagnosis annoyance. But we don't know if OP self-diagnosed - just that they decided to add that unnecessary tidbit to their story. You came in hard on them without having all the facts and I just wanted to clarify that not everywhere has shifted the terminology.


Rainbow62993 t1_je9f6q0 wrote

I literally acknowledged that some parts of the world still may use that terminology - though when I did research for Germany specifically, they didn't even start acknowledging ADHD as a diagnosis until 2018 and I couldn't even find anything about ADD no matter how I worded my search. If someone can find a source for me, I'd appreciate it.

I came in hard because it was unrelated and the only time I see people using random diagnosis in their stories is when they don't even suffer from it.


KittikatB t1_je9fvch wrote

Why were you looking for Germany if OP lives in Belgium?


Rainbow62993 t1_je9g00q wrote

Sorry, I confused another commenters post for being OP.

Edit: Apparently Belgium uses the same rules as I described above. ADD = ADHD. If OP was truly diagnosed, they'd have known that.


nocompetition00 OP t1_je9htf3 wrote

You're weird asl for trying to prove im not diagnosed, i just told you I am.


KittikatB t1_je9itne wrote

All good, I was just confused as to why Germany suddenly entered the conversation lol.


Rainbow62993 t1_je9izio wrote

Few comments back someone mentioned Germany and for some reason it's what my brain decided to run with 🤣


nocompetition00 OP t1_je9cbon wrote

Idk wheee you live but here in Belgium my psychiatrist, and people in general, still use both terms. Im gonna go of a limb and say you haven’t spoken with everybody who is diagnosed with ADHD but if you have that would explain why you keep nagging about a conditioner you claimed was irrelevant for the story


Rainbow62993 t1_je9co3j wrote

Whatever you claim to be diagnosed with still has absolutely no relevance to this story. You made a quick purchase because you're smitten and wanted to impress the new girl you've been chatting with. ADHD isn't a cute little issue of "omg, I can't believe I bought the wrong concert tickets". It's a genuine struggle for those who have it.


nocompetition00 OP t1_je9dek6 wrote

I know, because i have it lol, i have struggled with the symptoms, medication & its side effects so i think i can use the term whenever i want :). I didnt realize i had to include a 2 paragrapgh justification of my life issues due to ADD/ ADHD just to be able to use the term… my bad


Rainbow62993 t1_je9dhpc wrote

If you knew it had nothing to do with the story then why did you even include it? 😒 having a diagnosis of something doesn't mean you get to try and glamorize it every chance you have. It was a useless detail to the story, even if you DO have a diagnosis.


the_realslimshadyyyy t1_je9c12h wrote

Well, my doctor in Germany diagnosed me with add so I don’t really see your point …. It was 2 years ago, not everything is the same everywhere