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rocksavior2010 t1_ir10jhv wrote

Someone here pointed out that you may have hit too close to home and I agree with that. Mom could had some issues in the past. Anna could have had some issues in the past. Mom could be a sex worker for all we know, and you might be right. But if that’s the case, what possibly hurt was tonality and intent. Without thinking, that statement shames a whole field of work.

If that’s the case, you need to understand that your friend, Anna, may need time to willingly approach you again. A real, thought out, “hey I know this hurt you and I want to apologize for it.” means a literal ton when you inadvertently hurt someone.

What you need to understand with this though, is that she may say “ok”, or “thank you”, or she may ignore it entirely. Don’t rush her, get in her face, be snarky, or anything like that. Don’t force her to accept your apology either. Say it, let her absorb it. Let her know that you’ll give her space to come around again if that’s what she feels she needs and you’d still like to be friends but only if she’s ok with that.

You said something that maybe you shouldn’t have because everyone was joking around. Sometimes we accidentally step on toes. It happens, work on making amends and you’ll be alright.