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Ayeway2019 t1_it1etne wrote

I’m going to tell a very pathetic story about myself, in hopes that it will make you feel a little better. I drive a big truck but I’ve driven it for years and I’ve had my license for years too. One day, while waiting for my friend in a Ross parking lot, for some reason that to this day, don’t understand, I decided to pull up next to one of the only cars in the whole parking lot to wait. There were tons of empty spaces I could’ve pulled into and I wouldn’t have been near any other cars at all. But that would make too much sense. I noticed my friend pulling into the lot on the opposite side from where I was so I get excited and throw my truck in drive, thinking I would drive up to where he was. For some completely idiotic reason, I take the SHARPEST left turn when I began pulling out of the parking spot and literally take the entire back end off of a relatively new Nissan Altima. I didn’t even make it 3 feet from my parking spot without completely demolishing this girls car. Luckily I had full coverage insurance and I left the girl a note on a paper plate. I was surprised to receive a call a few hours later from a young girl who didn’t seem furious at all, like I had been anticipating. Instead, she was confused and told me she hadn’t had her license very long and had no clue how anything works as far as insurance, etc when a car accident happens. I walked her through it and my insurance paid for 100% of the repairs (plus I had a $0 deductible which was awesome) so in the end, it just turned out to be a really embarrassing story that I look back at and laugh. My friend thinks I’m an idiot but he laughs about it too. Sometimes these things happen.. they may not be quite as drastic as my situation, but nevertheless, don’t be too hard on yourself! Shit happens. Most of the time it’ll turn into a funny story later in life


MMXXfan t1_it4ugty wrote

I'm not OP but tifu too and came here in hopes that reading about people's stories would help me feel a bit less alone and dramatic about mine. Your story helped, so thank you a lot