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Sosa4313 t1_it20x1o wrote

I don’t think this is anyone’s fault but hers…. Who in their actual right mind hides a ring INSIDE a mattress???


Spazmer t1_it2yqk5 wrote

We suspect our childhood cat hid my dad's wedding ring inside the box spring of their bed. It wasn't until after the mattress set was thrown out that it was realized that was the likeliest place. She had scratched a hole underneath and would hide inside it with her treasures. I've had a lot of cats and she took the cake as the weirdest. Maybe his girlfriend is a cat.


Sosa4313 t1_it35j2i wrote

Nah lol the girlfriend sounds to dumb to be a cat. Cats are excused for being as cute as they are 😂 I think it’s so weird how all of them have a thing for box springs I’ve had 2 different cats destroy 2 different box springs of mine already !!