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Ragnarotico t1_it5hhgd wrote

>I find myself with 0 memory about who I got here , who is my girlfriend,  where am I, why am I drugged,  how the fuck I speak Spanish.. complete blackout.

This kind of sounds like ego death. Did you even know your own name at that point?


blackcatonacid OP t1_it5lamq wrote

I knew who I am , that what made it even more confusing.. I couldn't remember the last year of my life or so... My last memory was at my home country at my old apartment.. I freaked out trying to understand how I got here All I could think is how the hell did I fucked up so bad to get into this situation


noahB53 t1_it6alg4 wrote

Naw that’s not ego death. When it happens you will know without a doubt