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t1_itwrqmy wrote

you're too young to deal with shit like this! get him out of your life and wait a couple years for a real relationship


t1_itwt5ab wrote

Intimate pictures? Do you just mean photos of them together, or nudes? If it's the latter, that's concerning because it's illegal.


t1_itwtn84 wrote

Few were them kissing and the video chats screenshots were revealing.. but it's a screenshot so not that clear.. but i can picture it clearly in my head tho.. he was smiling in them


t1_itwuz69 wrote

Firstly, this is a lesson in dealing with the fact that your romantic partners will usually have a past with other partners. In time, you will too. It's completely normal and something you will have to deal with. Still having photos from past relationships isn't a terrible thing, your boyfriend likely still has good memories of the relationship and it's okay to keep mementos of that time. He wasn't taunting you with them or anything.

Secondly, any revealing photos are illegal. He shouldn't be taking them, possessing them, or sharing them with you. He needs to delete those. Don't take any of yourself either. Teenagers have been charged with producing, sharing and possessing those kind of photos.


t1_itx2eih wrote

So yeah you're super young and you admit this is your first bf but your not his his first gf. So yeah, he had had intimate time with people he was close to at the time but that's the past and you have to know your are the present. LPT over sharing us a thing. You asked to see his gallery he showed it. Don't ask questions unless you are prepared for every answer


t1_itx5xsm wrote

OP a word of advice to pas on to your bf

Having nudes of his exes even though he’s a similar age is considered child porn and he can be prosecute as such, at least in the UK, not sure where your based

Tell them to delete them ASAP and do not send/save them until of a legal age, it is not worth having any convictions of the sort for momentary urges


t1_itx8r4k wrote

All the adults here telling this teenager to ditch the boy because it’s not worth it might as well not say anything. She will find out for herself just like most of us did and that’s just the way it goes. You can only hope she grows from it.


t1_itxc4yg wrote

So, let's say I'm a 12 yo girl and I want a dick pic from a 14 yo boy, who is my boyfriend. So I get the photo and I can be fined or even sent to some kind of jail for having a picture of my older boyfriend's genitalia, that he willingly sent me? I just can't really imagine the situation where the judge would be like "Yeah, you fucking predator, go to jail!"... maybe it's illegal, but don't think they take it too seriously...


t1_itxd7xb wrote

The idea of two children having "intimate" photos makes me wretch...

Please be careful and responsible. Know that nothing is private once it hits the internet and know that possessing anything revealing underage minors is still illegal no matter if you are still a minor yourself.

Don't do anything that can get you screenshot either.

Good luck!


t1_itxe2uw wrote

Yes, it's concerning, but even then you can still save the relationship. Make sure you talk with him about it all and get how you feel about everything. Hopefully everything ends out ok and it can be nice water under the bridge. Just make sure you aren't sending anything that could be inappropriate, and don't get into anything you'd be uncomfortable with.


t1_itxg1bq wrote

Yes, that is illegal. And in your scenario, both would be facing potential jail time - the girl for solicitation and possession of illicit material, and the boy for production, distribution and possession of illicit material. As for how seriously the authorities take it ... It's very much a case by case scenario, and it's entirely likely that a conviction would happen - which could not only involve jail time, but also require them to be registered as sex offenders.


t1_itxow9y wrote

Bah. Relax. You're 13 and he's 15. You're both young.

Right now, you probably think this relationship is the best thing ever, but it's just your first, and there's likely many more to come. Don't take it so seriously. I remember my first relationship too and I took it SO seriously. Like I thought I was going to marry this girl. Got dumped in 3 months, LOL. But yeah, it's probably hard not to right now, but just don't take it so seriously.

I've had pics of my exes before, and sometimes it's taken me a while to delete, but I get there eventually. Your BF is also very young so he's still learning too, both about relationships and technology (lol). And he probably learned today that giving people full access to anything is probably a bad idea. Anyways, if he's deleted them, then you just have to get over it. Give it time. Like a month. Relax, and don't take it too seriously.

And look, don't worry about the downvotes or whatever on your comments. People who downvote 13 year olds asking for relationship advice just have too much time on their hands.


t1_itxx30k wrote

This makes me feel old. Young relationships and sharing private stuff back then is so different now. My advice would be to never take photos of yourself that you can't show your parents... atleast until you're of legal age🤣


t1_ity052i wrote

OP, Users nize426 and KittikatB have the best comments here. KittikatB was especially detailed and accurate, but nize426 had good info too, check through and re-read them. Good on you for asking for help, that's an important skill. Be safe out there!


t1_ity3dbm wrote

Yup.. that’s definitely 13y/o drama alright. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. Thats an expectation that will get you hurt everytime.


t1_ity90io wrote

Most likely the parent who the phone is registered to would be charged. In the eyes of the law that phone plan (and the associated phone) are most likely considered their property as phone companies usually won’t open a line that is actually in the name of a minor.


t1_ity9pw9 wrote

This all depends on the country you are in.

This would be legal in Canada as long as there is consent and the images are not shared or shown to anyone else.

This would fall under the personal use section.

This consent however can be revoked at ANY time, at which point you'd then be in possession of Child Sexual Exploitation Material (CSEM)

COUNTRY MATTERS (your mileage my vary)


t1_itya1o9 wrote

Yea, country matters.

Having personal CSEM if you got it when you were within the age range in Canada and it is consentual, it is legal. Even if you are now 30 and got it when you were 12. Still legal. But that consent can be revoked, at which time it is no longer legal.

This also in nulled if you share/ show ANYONE.

Him allowing her to see his photos... This is now illegal.


t1_itybn1f wrote

Don't send him anything of you, also 13 and 15 is weird, she could be in year 8-9 and him in year 10-11 stop it


t1_ityjbyv wrote

you absolutely do not have to share all private information with your partners EVER

Your privacy is yours, that is something valuable. Dont let anyone make you feel less than over a little picture you didnt share before. This also applies to anything private in general.

Yes it might be painful right now that you had to see what you saw but months from now or even in a years time you’ll be so grateful if you made the choice of breaking up if it feels like the right choice


t1_itypq9s wrote

I'm old but hardly a prude and it concerns me you are talking like this at 13.


t1_itypyvy wrote

Okay guys, I just had a question... no need to be so aggressive with those downvotes... In my country this doesn't gets charged, especially not jail time... I'm guessing you guys are from the US, I'm not.


t1_ityri2o wrote

No body hates you.. I think most are just concerned because you are so young.. Its off putting for us older folk to come across a post like this lol..

Plus the child porn stuff doesn't make this post any better even though I'm sure neither of you knew about that being illegal..

Just be careful, protect yourself, and take your time.. Trust me there's plenty of time in life to be an adult, you only have a few short years to be a teen with minimal responsibilities and so just enjoy them 🤗..


t1_itys25a wrote

ooookay so since everyone focusing on freaking out over the pics and nothing else... (which yes, i agree dont send them too each other but we can comment some more) first of all this is WEIRD that he even has those pics. Maybe it's just me and my partner being older, but none of us has any pics of people we used to go out with/sleep with on our phones. it's just... customary, i guess, to delete those after you break up and get over someone. sooo it's more like he's the one who f-ed up, because okay, he didnt want you to see them but for what did he even keep those


t1_itysluh wrote

Dawg you're movin mad. Ya mans 15 and you're 13? Thats actually wild. The 15 year olds at my brothers get absolutely destroyed for dating even 14 year olds let alone 13? You should find someone closer to your age if I'm keepin it a stack and it absolutely should not be intimate


t1_itywz63 wrote

First of all a 14-year-old should not be dating a 12 year old. There's a huge difference between a freshman and a 6th grader. Why don't you look up the penalties for this? What kind of shitty parent is OK with this?

You can't have a pic because it's child porn. You clearly haven't dealt with the legal system before if you think the judge will say it's not a big deal. Just do a Google search on how many teenagers have been charged with this.


t1_ityxc3d wrote

Types fluent English (2nd Lang) and uses "The Office" references . 13 yo? Doubt


t1_ityxtp3 wrote

Man... I'm not okay with a 12 yo being with a 14 yo... it was an example... Why do you need to be so aggressive? And even tho it's a bad thing to have such an age gap in those teenage years, it exists, there are many relationships like this... I know a lot of girls, who lost their virginity at 11, it's fucking bad, but it happens. And now more often than before, I guess because of the easy access to porn.


t1_ityynds wrote

You're 13... Only partner you can have are that stage is a lab partner. You have a boyfriend. A partner is someone who is a lot more than that. Boyfriend's should've have shared gallery access FYI.


t1_itz7rhm wrote

Relationships are tricky. At any age. Tomorrow will always come. Just, don’t do anything you’re gonna regret in the morning.


t1_itznhl6 wrote

Um where are your parents seriously? When I was 13 I made a lot of regrets, I ruined my most prized possession because of a 16 year old. Now I WISH I didn’t, I wish I would have saved my prized possession to share it with someone I TRUST, LOVED and felt appreciated by.

I think you need to really think hard on your choices, your thoughts and feelings. Love at 13 can only go so far and there will be so many heart breaks, please do your self a favor and save those heartbreaks for someone you will remember 14 years from now.