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paperfett t1_iuhbeu8 wrote

This has a been a very expensive but valuable lesson. Did your family know where you kept all of it? I know this is terrible to say but are you absolutely sure your parents didn't take it? They could have just used it to pay off debts and not noticable spending sprees. I'm shocked you kept it unsecured in a garage. It should have been hidden somewhere under a floor board or in a wall. Better yet a safe deposit box at a bank. To think someone just randomly stumbled into your garage and found it seems a bit crazy. Did anyone know you kept it there?


Bimimans t1_iuj5d3q wrote

>To think someone just randomly stumbled into your garage and found it seems a bit crazy.

Yeah because it's made up.


isthatpossibl t1_iuhgr42 wrote

geez. I mean, let him mull that over and figure it out, that's a pretty dark seed to plant if you're wrong


apple-masher t1_iuif9mr wrote

yeah, but OP already has his suspicions (read the post) and it's the first thing I thought.

How many people knew about it?

There's your list of suspects. Especially if there's nothing else missing.


misspmh t1_iujn1k8 wrote

Harsh truths are indeed still truths. Growing up around drug using extended family, we knew we needed to hide valuables.