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slammer66 t1_ixsr7o9 wrote

I (as a christian) would be happy to know that you could tell me anything about the Bible. I've never heard that about David but the biblical texts goes further back in history than we have corroborating documents so David or someone else it's going to be true about someone


MeButNotMeToo t1_ixtaiog wrote

The bib goes back further than we have corroborated history? According to who?

That statement is patently false. There is far more recorded history, corroborated by multiple sources and physical observations than the mythology/historical fiction that is in any of the ≈500 versions of the supposedly immutable and inerrant christian bible.

The Bible can’t get basic dates correct, can’t get basic geography correct, can’t get basic biology, mathematics, etc. correct. How can it be trusted as a viable source of history?


veldenbushido t1_ixtcllo wrote

Take a deep breath….are you ok? What triggered you there?


noahboi1917 OP t1_ixti391 wrote

I know right? I thought I was doing a good thing, because I was like "Hey, even a doubting atheist like me cannot deny David, a key figure in the bible, didn't exist. There is undisputed proof of him existing, so you guys might be on to something." You know? I didn't mean for my comment to challenge their faith or anything like that.
