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JejuneEsculenta t1_iwv47w7 wrote

I can think of nothing that would make them unsafe.

I mean, cheese was invented as a preservation method for milk. It ain't gonna go bad in a few hours. Especially with all of the salt in those bastards. 😀

If they were Steak 'Ums or something, sure... but...


Terrivel119 t1_iwv4f0z wrote

Well again, I work at a restaurant. My idea of “food safe” isn’t the layman’s version. I know it wouldn’t really be an issue, but some part of the back of my brain just doesn’t trust food that’s been left out.


DevourTheKing t1_iwwikp0 wrote

This!! I worked at dominos for 7 years and while food service is never perfect on food safety I'm way more cautious than my roommates who haven't worked in food... they will eat meat that's been sitting out for hours and barely cold to the touch and I want to puke just thinking about it.