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ArchmageNinja22 t1_ix6h28z wrote

You didn't know she had a dead brother. However, you should still apologize. Tell her you genuinely had no idea and hope that she doesn't break up. Also, try to undo the erasing if possible. Hope this helps.


puffmaster5000 t1_ix6xc4t wrote

Lol if they break up over that it wasn't meant to be


Timestr3tch t1_ix747c4 wrote

Yeah that would be an insane thing to break up over lol


MrPdaPimp t1_ix7jlq8 wrote

At least if they break up, it's a very funny story. Feels like a high tech Curb Your Enthusiasm scenario


Nuushy t1_ix73wre wrote

> Also, try to undo the erasing if possible.

Reading this in context of the post is quite funny, honestly.


other_usernames_gone t1_ix790nr wrote

He only changed the copy of the photo on his phone. He can just delete that one, redownload the original from the group chat, then remove the smudge again.


AppalachianWidow t1_ixcxh6r wrote

I think he knew about the dead brother but didn’t realize it was him in the picture since she has another brother.