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Sanshuu t1_ix721uk wrote

Idk maybe dead family members are points of emotional trauma for people and they deserve compassion when they react emotionally to the subject


dmomo t1_ix8h16h wrote

Seriously. But somebody who flat out says "I hate people like that" instead of "I hate when people do things like that" isn't exactly the pinnacle of empathy.


ILikeFPS t1_ix8rf3r wrote

Sure, that's fair. It depends how mad she is, how long she will stay mad at him, if she would break up with him over this, etc.

I can absolutely understand being mad and emotional about this, but if she would break up with him over a genuine mistake with no negative intentions and no context, that would be taking it too far IMO.


Swinella t1_ix77d3g wrote

...and on the other side of that emotional trauma coin are people who are angry for days because they dreamed you cheated. This could go either way.
