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t1_iydyqrh wrote

Yikes. I can totally understand if they never forgive you. As someone who makes edibles, tinctures, salves and other cannabis products for friends and family I never assume anything and I certainly don’t base other peoples tolerance or expectations on what I do for myself. 250 mg per piece is fucking nonsense to give out to people who you don’t absolutely know how cannabis effects them.

250 mg edibles would wreck 90% of the population and if you knew ahead of time the potency of the edibles and you let folks eat them without taking great care and a detailed explanation (and tell them to eat small pieces to start) of what to expect you shouldn’t be allowed to make edibles for anyone other than yourself.

It is always better to ramp up a dose than to eat the whole thing and hope for the best.


t1_iydyukh wrote

I salute you! Everybody needs to just chill the fuck out, or face their own demons


t1_iye0xnb wrote

"Didn't do my due diligence." Bro you either wanted it to happen and in regret mode or just an idiot who shouldn't be making potent treats for anyone.

Anyone with even mild anxiety, let alone a non edible taker who casually munxhes 250mg OR MORE could get fucked up for a shitton longer then just the weekend.


t1_iye19hg wrote

Before I can truly determine if this is a tifu, I absolutely must sample one of the delectable offending brownies.


t1_iyegk1y wrote

Yes criminal, I live in a state where weed is legal but due to my job I cannot under any circumstances consume THC or CBD, if so I could very easily lose my job, and a whole host of other consequences. I'm not even supposed to associate with anyone who uses cannabis anyways but unfortunately living in a college town at the moment makes that near impossible.

Plus you don't know someone's circumstances, I know people who have awful reactions to weed, plus with the quantity that OP said was in them then that is surely enough to fuck someone up, and imagine if one of the friends had something important the next day and unknowingly ate a high dose edible thinking it was a regular brownie and now cannot make it to something important. Or a friend who has a medical condition like high blood pressure or a heart issue. Weed increases both heart rate and blood pressure and could very easily cause a medical emergency in someone who took that high of a dose and has an existing condition.

It isn't heroin but it is still illegal to drug someone's food, just in this case, it would be closer to criminal negligence. They're lucky there weren't any worse consequences.


t1_iyegukf wrote

Except if one of them are like me and consuming cannabis can literally lose them their job. Or worse, they have an underlying medical condition that can be affected by the side effects of weed, like a heart condition or high blood pressure since week increases both heart rate and blood pressure.


t1_iyf7hol wrote

Sure. Whatever you say. They "tripped balls." As one does when unknowingly consuming large quantities of cannabis. So funny. To "trip balls" on cannabis.

So not only are you ignorant of the concept of informed consent, but you have no understanding of the appropriate lexicon.

You're really neat-o, daddy-o.