Submitted by giantgreenplant t3_z3h1ip in tifu

I need to preface this with I'm an adult with braces. Specifically, braces behind my top teeth.

Anywho, tonight we're watching a movie and getting naughty and I go for sexy times. So movie on, go for a little down town action. And... It's stuck. Let me tell you, I have never been so scared. I moved a millimetre, it comes with.

I tell him I'm stuck, he's like, 'are you serious?". Mouth around penis, I'm mumbling, yes. We're both scared we'll have to call paramedics and be found like this.

I'm open mouthed, dribbling and scared. Fuck.

He's saying, "let it go down, it'll work out." I'm less sure but I try. With some pulls but eventually I feel rust in mouth which means blood. Oh heck indeed.

It's a waiting game now. All I can do is try and wait. I'm still dribbling and scared.

Eventually, penis goes flaccid, I somehow disconnect and now I have an ice pack against the barely intact banjo string.

Tldr: had sexy time, got caught, blood and chaos ensued.



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AutisticPenguin2 t1_ixlosfl wrote

I'm sorry but the thought of paramedics rushing in on the two of you stuck like that, it's just gold.


giantgreenplant OP t1_ixlp7b1 wrote

Oh no. There was so much concern. I live down the road from a hospital and we are TRAUMATIZED.


fredsam25 t1_ixltzfx wrote

TIL uncircumcised men have a musical instrument in their pants that can break.


giantgreenplant OP t1_ixlu41l wrote

Hahahahahah. He's circumcised. Maybe it's like an Australian and British thing to call it a banjo string ?


grievousx t1_ixm0erd wrote

Australian penis owner checking in, I literally had to google what the banjo string was, I've not once heard the frenulum referred to as a banjo string lmao

EDIT: it just hit me that you got that bit stuck behind your top teeth somehow??? That's some really, really unfortunate positioning for both of you, I'm sorry to your teeth and your man hahaha


Kangar t1_ixlpew0 wrote

So, what exactly was caught on what?

Also, who was bleeding, him or you?


Global_Monk_5778 t1_ixlr9yo wrote

Ok here’s a little banjo story for you. I’m female and during rough sex my partner snapped his banjo string. Blood everywhere. Ended up going to hospital and they… didn’t do anything. At all. Said it happens so so often - it’s an incredibly frequent injury - and there’s nothing they can do, it just sorts itself out. They were right! It healed, very fast, he had stubby ends for a while and they just got smaller and he can pull himself back much further than he used to be able too but that’s it. His is completely snapped and to be honest it’s much easier. We laugh about it now! So even if you do manage to snap it, completely, don’t worry! It happens - a lot - and it’s totally normal. Just try not to get it stuck next time!


Mell1997 t1_ixpm72m wrote

He got lucky. Sometimes the frenulum may snap and scar over causing it to shorten and actually become easier to re-tear it. Other times it makes it easier for the movement of the foreskin.


Logical-Percentage17 t1_ixlqcwk wrote

Sounds like you have a great man, I would have panicked and called my mother!!!


giantgreenplant OP t1_ixlqh1v wrote

That was legitimately my next call. Once we became untangled and we'd iced the area, I called my best friend. Unbeknownst to me, we were on speaker and her partner heard. I felt him clench through the phone.


Inflatable-Elvis t1_ixmb284 wrote

Maybe you should have "gone round the back and pressed the buzzer" so to speak. It might have at least ended the situation quicker.


GombeenGenius t1_ixosnih wrote

This is the conundrum. I do think that circumcisions are wrong and bordering on child abuse. However, I've bust my banjo string twice and split the side once so I can definitely see the benefits.


Mell1997 t1_ixpmc5v wrote

I actually tore my frenulum (banjo string) and it bled everywhere. Went to the ER and they told me the exact same thing. Re-tore it weeks later after it “healed” and got annoyed so I got a circumcision as an adult to remove the foreskin and banjo string. Best decision I’ve made in a while.