
Global_Monk_5778 t1_j6510lo wrote

Happy birthday sweetie. I’m a mum and I am sending you the biggest hug and virtual cake. You don’t need those selfish people - they aren’t your family. You will make friends who will become your family. Blood means nothing, I’m just sorry you’ve had to learn it so young.

As others have said, keep your important documents safe - birth certificate etc - and set up your own bank account in a separate bank as soon as you’re old enough. Start saving and get out as soon as you can. Cut them all off and don’t look back; you deserve so much better and your life will be better for it. You absolutely deserve gifts - set up that Amazon wish list!!!!! Tell your counsellor that you don’t feel like you deserve better, this is something he/she needs to work on with you. Because you need to learn and realise asap that you have done nothing wrong whatsoever and they are to blame here, not you. You deserve better, you are worth everything, and one day you will realise that. 💜🎂🍫🍦


Global_Monk_5778 t1_j28bjjj wrote

At least they’re checking it out now. Something you have to learn about GPs - they’re spread very thin and know a tiny bit about lots of different things. If you ever think they should have done something else or haven’t done enough, don’t ever be afraid to ask to see a different GP for a second opinion. They aren’t specialists about any condition and often haven’t even heard of some of them that I have! So don’t ever be afraid to push for more help if you feel you need it.


Global_Monk_5778 t1_j26bwp9 wrote

My husband just got checked out for this. Bright red blood is fresh blood and therefore it’s new and from around the anus - most likely tears. Cancer is from deeper within and therefore the blood is darker, more brown and older as it’s had to travel through you. Or that’s what he was told. He had to give a sample and everything was fine. Of course please please go get checked out and get a sample taken but everything may be ok. Worrying about it will be giving you a bad stomach anyway. You could have a rupture. You could have any number of things going on, but the original doc should have checked you over properly not just given you movicol. Fingers crossed OP.


Global_Monk_5778 t1_j23gkfj wrote

Opposite of a FU. He would have dragged this on for months, maybe even years if you hadn’t checked through his messages. You’ve saved yourself a lot of time and even more heartbreak by finding out now. Get a divorce or even an annulment if you can and make a clean break. I’m so sorry he’s done this to you.


Global_Monk_5778 t1_j23d6se wrote

This wasn’t a FU. She’d have run off one way or the other. You found her, you saved her. If she’d run off to a city she could have been abducted, raped, killed. You have now got help for her and authorities are aware of the home situation. Of course her parents are looking to blame you because they don’t want to blame the real culprits - themselves. You did good.


Global_Monk_5778 t1_iycmovk wrote

I hope he dumps you. This is a major violation of trust and privacy. I’m married, have been with my partner 20 years and married for 16 and I would never ever ever do this to him. I would be furious with him if he ever did it to me. It’s personal property. Destruction of property. Never mind the trust aspect. You had absolutely no right at all. You’ve said you’ll talk to him about it but I hope you’re going to own up to everything


Global_Monk_5778 t1_ixlr9yo wrote

Ok here’s a little banjo story for you. I’m female and during rough sex my partner snapped his banjo string. Blood everywhere. Ended up going to hospital and they… didn’t do anything. At all. Said it happens so so often - it’s an incredibly frequent injury - and there’s nothing they can do, it just sorts itself out. They were right! It healed, very fast, he had stubby ends for a while and they just got smaller and he can pull himself back much further than he used to be able too but that’s it. His is completely snapped and to be honest it’s much easier. We laugh about it now! So even if you do manage to snap it, completely, don’t worry! It happens - a lot - and it’s totally normal. Just try not to get it stuck next time!


Global_Monk_5778 t1_it1znu7 wrote

The test can rule out for DS but you could still end up with a child who has disabilities that can’t be picked up on any scan or test. Autism for example. They could develop a childhood illness like meningitis and develop a disability. If you truly don’t want to raise a child/adult with a disability then the only way to guarantee it is to not have children. Ever. It’s hard work having disabled children (I have 2) but it doesn’t mean you love them any less. You’ve probably just really upset her, so please talk to her, tell her how strong you think she is and tell her you just wouldn’t be strong enough to raise a child with additional needs. Tell her how amazing you think she is for being that mum. Apologise for any upset you caused - because while you didn’t mean to upset her you’d still apologise for hurting somebody by accident. And this is one of those times. She’s your grandma, why would you want her upset with you especially when she’s grieving? While her raising your aunt might have looked like hell to you I can assure you it was love, it was joyous, it was her world poured into raising her. Her daughter was her everything, the same as your mum is her everything, and she’s just lost her. It doesn’t matter that she had Downs. Your gran loved her. She raised her, she fought for her, she birthed her. And now she’s lost her. And you’ve hurt her. Go make it up to her.