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doyoubelieveincrack t1_ixr4m2t wrote

Tbh I dated a lot of women that had an IUD and I never noticed it before and those wires just don’t come up even in conversation about contraceptions I had prior. I would even say that I know more about contraception and the female reproductive system than your average Joe but just not that one detail which lead to disaster.


4Pawbs t1_ixrniwt wrote

The wire usually soften overtime and get wrapped up around the cervix (the gaps around it) so they usually stay out of the way. Hubby could feel mine poking at him for the first few months until they settled.

Honestly I am female and knew nothing about these until I got one. They tell you basic stuff in sex ed but most info was around the pill and condoms.


butteredbabyrolls t1_ixseivb wrote

fellow iud user here, how long does it take to soften? i got mine back in september

also did it hurt your partner at all? im about to visit mine and im nervous itll hurt him


4Pawbs t1_ixsglog wrote

Not sure how long it took to soften partner can't recall that. But generally it can take a few months.

Just asked my partner he says no it didnt hurt. At first would be uncomfortable but if he readjusted it was fine. He said it was more like a light tickle then anything.